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Noel Gallagher

Guest howyousawtheworld

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New Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere:


Yes comrades.


What a star-studded day we had yesterday. Famous people everywhere we went.


So, said day started early... 6am early!!!! Had to be at that VH1 place at 8am to do some blimmin' live breakfast TV show. The interview was a little strange... one doesn't expect to be discussing one's pet cat's bollocks (or lack thereof!!! He's had them whipped off, see?) so early in the morning... and certainly not on live TV!


We did meet Adam Sandler though - I say 'we' cause I was with my mate, and friend of the stars, "Scully", who does like a celebrity meet and greet. He (Adam Sandler) was cool as fuck. We have a mutual friend in Russell Brand, so the conversation went summat like this...


"Yes Adam... You know Russell, innit?"

"Yes I do... He loves you, man!!"

I know this already cause he tells me... regularly.


Anyway, as we went our separate ways Adam Sandler left me with these words...


"You have fun, buddy"... Thanks Adam Sandler, I will!!!!


From there we made our way to the Ed Sullivan theatre for the David Letterman show.


The Letterman show takes place in the Ed Sullivan theatre, on the very stage where that band The Beatles changed the world on the Ed Sullivan Show way back in 1963, I think?


On the show with us was some right-wing politician - who showed up with some very smartly turned out security - and top Scientologist Katie Holmes! (Mrs Tom Cruise)...more of which later.


If you've never been to the David Letterman show, which I'm sure some of you haven't, the studio itself is fuckin' freeeeeeeeeezing... For real, it must be close to actual freezing. Proper ball-ache.


Our dressing room was next door to none other than the legendary comedian Steve Martin who, for some reason, wasn't on the show but was there anyway - never did get to the bottom of why. He only stuck his head round the door to say hello! What an honour!!! We talked banjo and he had a bit of banter with the lads. Top, top man. Funny as fuck!!


Steve Martin I am having you, la'.


As showtime approached we got a little visit from that fella Billy Gibbons from that band ZZ TOP. Another top little dude. Who's not having that tune "Sharp Dressed Man"? Squares... that's who!


We literally bumped into that top Scientologist Katie Holmes on the way into the studio. We came out of the lift and BANG, there she was.


Now at this point my mate, and friend of the stars, Scully was doing a bit of filming for my website and managed to capture the moment. She did look a bit miffed at the various North-West accents and some vigorous handshaking, but there was no need to send one of her people over to demand the video be deleted!!!! Un-fuckin'-believable.


We didn't let it spoil the day though. And what a day. Loved it.


Am currently backstage at the Philadelphia Academy of Music. Mega venue. Like a mini Albert Hall.


Gotta go. I've lost my phone. It isn't the first time, and it won't be the last!!!


In a bit.



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When we were in London ,waiting for the gig

Scully came up to the girls in front of us and asked some questions , with that same camera ...

I hope I'm on it :awesome:

Imagine , me being on a Noel G documentary :p :wacky:

That would be so cool!



Noel's album is platinium in the UK :dance:!!




Click in "Most Recent Certifications"

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When we were in London ,waiting for the gig

Scully came up to the girls in front of us and asked some questions , with that same camera ...

I hope I'm on it :awesome:

Imagine , me being on a Noel G documentary :p :wacky:


Cool :) I hope Noel comes to Argentina, i can´t wait to see him live :D

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New Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere:

Yes comrades... What up?


So... Where were we? That's right, Philadelphia. At the Academy Of Music, if my memory serves me correctly - which generally it doesn't - but I think it does this time.


Beautiful venue. Seriously. Like a mini Albert Hall. The show was... good... ok... not bad. Quite a tame crowd, I thought. Dunno... a bit reserved, which is no bad thing. As long as they're listening and clapping, who cares?


There was one guy though who kept shouting "WHATEVER!" inbetween the songs... Hope he wasn't a journalist practising some kind of new instant review technique!!


On to the historic city of Boston. I don't recall ever spending much time there in the past. Managed to see a bit of it this time and I gotta say it was beautiful. A bit like Edinburgh. Nice. I liked it a lot.


Another breathtaking venue and a great gig... Really great atmosphere. What a wonderful crowd. They sang their hearts out. Good gear.


Plotted up after the gig to watch the big fight between the great Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez. And what a tear up! They literally beat the living daylights out of each other for 12 rounds. Pacquiao won on points. I thought it was a draw myself.


Muchas gracias to those who waited outside, singing songs in the cold 'til 1am. Nice to meet you.


Over-nighted it to NYC, which is where you find me now. Got 2 shows coming up at the Beacon Theatre. Looking forward to it. A few comrades have made the journey across the pond. Should be fun.


Day off today. Gotta go and get a shirt altered. It's a blimmin' 'small' and it's still too big. I might be shrinking!!!


In a bit.



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OMG!!!!! Noel announced some US dates and he will play in Washington on March 28th!!!!! I'll be at Washington on that date!!! :D


Can anybody tell me how can I do to buy tickets?? I don't know if I can buy them where I live! I really want to see him! If you can help me i'll appreciate it!!! :D

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OMG!!!!! Noel announced some US dates and he will play in Washington on March 28th!!!!! I'll be at Washington on that date!!! :D


Can anybody tell me how can I do to buy tickets?? I don't know if I can buy them where I live! I really want to see him! If you can help me i'll appreciate it!!! :D


I think you´ll get this info in the site you buy the tickets.

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Thanks. There is no information yet, but I guess i'll know if I can buy them when they start selling them this friday!


The sale is by Live Nation with the association of Ticketmaster:




This are the options of delivery:




I don't know which one apply for this event, maybe you can contact by mail Live Nation and explain your situation. I really hope you can go.

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The sale is by Live Nation with the association of Ticketmaster:




This are the options of delivery:




I don't know which one apply for this event, maybe you can contact by mail Live Nation and explain your situation. I really hope you can go.


Thanks!! I already contacted with them so I hope they answer me in the next few hours!

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They told me that I can buy the tickets through their website and then I can pick them up when i'm there! I'm so happy! I can't believe i'm seeing Noel again!!


I'm so happy for you! Which ticket are you going to buy? I saw two prices, 52$ and 96$.

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I'm so happy for you! Which ticket are you going to buy? I saw two prices, 52$ and 96$.


Thanks! I don't know really, because I don't know which seats cost 52$ and which seats cost 96$! I'll see when I buy them on friday! I hope the tickets don't sell out too fast!

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New Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere:


Yes droogs.


Just a quick one. Not much to report as, well, nothing's happened.


I just want to share with you something that happened to me in a clothes shop today in NYC.


So… I'm out shopping. Not looking for anything in particular. Just killing time. Enjoying the weather. (Very pleasant. Almost spring-like.)


I'm in some shop or other not showing much interest in the merchandise and the usual scenario starts to unfold. You know the one?


Shop assistant: "Hi… Can I help you with anything today?"


Me: "Erm… No thanks… I'm just looking."




Shop assistant: “Are you looking for anything in particular… A jacket? Some jeans? A sweater?”


Me: "… No thanks… I'm just looking."


Shop assistant: "How about these sneakers? These are really cool."


Me: "………" (Just a little stare.)


Shop assistant: "What size are you?"


Me: "40, if you must know."


Shop assistant: "Great, I'll go get you a pair."


Now at this point I would ordinarily wait 'til this idiot had wafted behind the curtain and leg it, but for some unknown reason I sat on a little leather stool and waited… and waited.


Just as I'm about to walk out he re-appears box in hand.


Shop assistant: "Here you go."


Me: "Thanks."


So, as luck would have it, they were too big. (Are my bastard feet shrinking now??)


Me: "Sorry mate, they're too big."


Shop assistant: "What? Really? The 40 is too big? Really?"


Me: "Really."


Then - with a straight face (and I'm not joking) - he said this...


"You know… Baggy shoes are very popular right now."




Me: "………" (Just a little stare.)




Now… I'm gonna be out of the game until Wednesday / Thursday. Some of my mates are in town and it's probably gonna get pretty messy.


In a bit.



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New Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere:


Yes comrades… What up?


Well, they were 2 great nights at the Beacon in NYC. Yet another beautiful old theatre. Really stunning. Met some wildly enthusiastic fans. One or two were very intense. Someone actually squeezed my arm so much it fuckin' hurt!!


I met people from all over the blimmin' world and was introduced to a little dog called "NOEL", who had been "…named after you, man!!!!!!", the owner said by shouting at me… (Hmm… Thanks for that).


There was also a proper young lad down the front at one of the shows; I swear he couldn't have been more than 10 years old!! He was waving a little placard that said simply, "DREAM ON NOEL". I hope he was accompanied by a responsible adult.


Didn't get that messy in the end. My party wings have been well and truly clipped by this singing malarky… singing's rubbish!!!!


Landed at LAX last night and was pounced upon by one of those TV crews that hound celebrities. Not that I consider myself one of those types, but you know the kind of thing I'm on about, right?


Anyway, this tool was persisting in asking me silly questions. Here's an example…


“Do you like LA? What do you think of Katie Holmes? Did she give you the cold shoulder? What do you think of Tom Cruise???”


(For the record I FUCKIN' LOVE Tom Cruise.)


“What do you think of Scientology?” And bizarrely… “What do you think of Morrissey?... Is he the greatest ‘Man-chew-nion’ ever?”


Also, for the record, Frank Sidebottom is the greatest Mancunian ever.


I'm currently back at what has become a very familiar residence for me of late. I spent the best part of three months here while I was recording and mixing the HFB album. I met royalty here!! The King of Tonga, no less!!! An actual King!!! Have I told you this story?? It's too long to go into here, but I've dined out on it regularly.


The sun is shining. All is good.


See you at the gigs, if you're coming. They're at the Royce Hall. I'm on at 9. Do not be late.


In a bit.



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Me too! And it's 3 days before my birthday! I'm also gonna see Beady Eye later this year! AAAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMMEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D


You are going to the Washington D.C. concert??? What a coincidence!! I saw Beady Eye two weeks ago!! It was awesome!


That's great for you guys ! :awesome: :dance:


Thanks! :D

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