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What is chris saying in LRLRL clocks?


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there is a point after "nothing else compares..." where he is kinda mumbling something, it sounds like it may be french i have no idea. Does anyone know what he is saying??


this has probably already been answered but i can't find it on here.


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there is a point after "nothing else compares..." where he is kinda mumbling something, it sounds like it may be french i have no idea. Does anyone know what he is saying??


this has probably already been answered but i can't find it on here.




he says "uno dos tres cuatro" = one two three four




ajajajajaja Unas cervezas jaja pero asi le dicen en Mexico.. jajaaaaaaaaa



jajajaj lo voy a empezar a decir asi aca en uruguay jeje. como te llamas btw?

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He's singing a snippet of Vertigo.

un :lol: dos :lol: tres :lol: cuatro :lol:


Allright.. I didn't noticed that he is singing in spanish

at some points of that song.. :lol:

I will try to listen more closely next time :)

he does sing or speak in spanish in some songs of the LRLRL album ;)

i did not noticied he said anything in any other language. :\

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