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Breaking Bad

Buxus vahlii

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^ It was very emotionally draining, from beginning to end. That knife scene was too much for me, but I loved that shot from Walter's POV of Junior shielding Skylar from him. Idk, that exact moment when Walt realizes that his family is truly against him just made my heart stop, as overdramatic as that sounds.

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Does everyone feel emotionally drained? I don't even have words to accurately describe tonight.
That pretty much sums it up. I already knew that things were going to get all Greek and/or Shakespearian tragedy-ish in the last few episodes, but actually seeing it happen is just... whoa.
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Hey, does anybody know what would be a good way for someone to watch the second half of season 5 (from their phone and/or Kindle)? I have a friend who is catching up on the entire series via Netflix, but Netflix doesn't have the second half of season 5 yet. I wasn't sure if there was a good repository for that online somewhere.

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^ No problem! :) I hope it works out.


In other Breaking Bad news, regarding the next two episodes . . .


The final two episodes of Breaking Bad will be split into two parts each, with the first half of each airing in 2014 and the sec– just kidding. But there is news to share about the AMC crime drama’s final two episodes, and it’s good: Each will be extended to 75 minutes, including commercial time, co-executive producer Peter Gould tweeted today.




and the tweet itself.

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Done with season 1. It was very painful to watch. A lot of tragedy, not enough crazy/funny stuff. I guess that was important to establish sympathy with the characters. Looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds...


There's plenty of goofy moments ahead, but be warned each season progressively gets darker. But better.

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I feel so bad for Jesse, crikey.




Why doesn't Walt tell his family (whether it was Skyler in the previous episode, or Walt Jr. in this episode) that he didn't kill Hank??? Is it just because he's being stupid and letting other things take precedence in his mind, or could it be because he's trying to shield them from knowing about Todd/Jack/the rest of that evil gang? I mean, Skyler kind of knows that those people exist, but she doesn't know that they were the ones that killed Hank. I haven't watched last night's Talking Bad yet, so maybe that was discussed.


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I don't know how are they going to end all this in just one episode :(
Well, last week's episode ended probably just a few days before the "flash forward" at the beginning of the season, so it's certainly doable... especially considering last week's episode spanned a period of several months.





we're just going to find out who the victim(s) will be of 1) the assault rifle thingiemabob that he purchased from that guy, and 2) the ricin. I'm sticking with my original theory that Walt will use the ricin on himself, after he does whatever duty he came back to do (and/or before he gets caught by the authorities).


Also, when I was watching the episode 1 of this season, I realized that the guy Walt was purchasing the big weapon from (in the flash forward) looked familiar. I think he's one of the Vamonos Pest employees, but back when we first saw him working for Vamonos Pest he had a big reddish-grey beard. Anybody know who I'm talking about?


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