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Breaking Bad

Buxus vahlii

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I'm going to avoid reading the rest of this thread until I'm caught up, buuuut I finally started watching and fuck is this show great. I started Sunday night and now I'm halfway through with Season 2.


I'm hoping and praying I can finish the show so I can watch the finale when it airs. I hope.

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When the confession tape was playing my mouth dropped and I think it was open the entire time. At first I couldn't believe he would even try to implicate Hank, but then I realized yeah that's totally something that Walt would do. However, I'm troubled by how blase Skyler was about it. Before Walt started taping she simply asked, "are you sure you want to do this?" She didn't even try to stop him; I would think her love for her sister would override Walt's desire not to get caught but... whoa, she's starting to take on some of Walt's characteristics now in that sense.


In regard to Jesse's realization, at first it didn't make sense to me because he knew that Brock was poisoned by the lily of the valley plant, not by the ricin. So I didn't understand how he could make the connection that Walt took the ricin-laced cigarette. But I guess he just put 2+2 together and realized the security guard originally swiped it off him. Do you think Jesse implied that Walt poised Brock with the ricin to Saul, to get Saul to confirm that Walt was responsible in some way for Brock (and also responsible for the cigarette being swiped off him)?


Todd is just... oh man, he's a schemer. He's clearly got some M.O. for blabbing to his relatives about the train heist, plus leaving a voicemail for Walt. There is this cutesy innocence that he tries to play on, but he's really totally the opposite. I'm trying to figure out his ultimate plan.



Oh yeah and I want some of those "Better Call Saul" business cards. :lol:

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What if Walt gave Hank the wrong CD :p

:lol: omg, is that from Malcolm in the Middle? Unfortunately I never watched that show.


And btw, I did end up ordering the business cards... and the "yo bitch" Jesse wall thing, and the A1A car air freshener, and the Los Pollos Hermanos lunch bags. :cheesy:

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:lol: omg, is that from Malcolm in the Middle? Unfortunately I never watched that show.


And btw, I did end up ordering the business cards... and the "yo bitch" Jesse wall thing, and the A1A car air freshener, and the Los Pollos Hermanos lunch bags. :cheesy:


Yes, he had the role of Hal, Malcolm's dad!


Your purchases were all good choices, you almost bought everything from the shop! I ordered two t-shirts from that web and another 3 from other website!

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Probably a bit NSFW, but here's another confession tape video. ;)


And good Lord that was a great episode. Walt's 'confession' left me speechless. He's fucked up in the head, yeah, but I didn't think he would stoop *that* low. That, plus the ending with Jesse was just an all around wow. Great episode.

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