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Hurricane Juan


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I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. We were hit hard by Juan last night and EVERYTHING is closed today. Schools, businesses... 2 people died.. A tree landed on an ambulance carrying a patient.. and another tree fell on a van. 300,000 houses in our city lost power (including mine. My power is back on now, but 100,000 still have no power at the time of my post). I just hope no one else was hurt, 'twas a pretty scary storm. Here are some links if you wanna read 'em.






The second link is a series of satellite images.

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waaaaaa i know i hate that even tho my "beating around the bush" is pretty much saying where i live....anyways. lol no tornadoes are a "rarity" weeee big word...i guess :embarrased: .....anyways. yea hurricanes are our big enemy *runs*

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