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Finishing Uni

Petit Prince

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I'm gonna graduate in less than a year's time and it's all quite scary.


I don't understand why most of my friends can't wait wait to finish uni. I'll owe the student loan company more than £18000 by the time I graduate and I doubt I'll manage to find a proper job straight away. Some of the people I work with finished uni like 3 years ago and they still haven't got a full-time job.


I'm not sure what i wanna do either. I constantly change my mind. I think I'd like to do a Masters but I might not be able to get any funding. I'm also worried that I might have to move to a different city where I don't know anyone.


How does everyone else feel about finishing university? Are you looking forward to it?

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i went for the experience

and i'm glad i did

changed me as a person


Same here.


I've got some work experience but I don't think it's gonna get me anywhere. I worked in a school for a year and I considered becoming a teacher but one of the teachers there advised me to do a placement in a state school, which I did and it really put me off the idea.

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Same here.


I've got some work experience but I don't think it's gonna get me anywhere. I worked in a school for a year and I considered becoming a teacher but one of the teachers there advised me to do a placement in a state school, which I did and it really put me off the idea.


yeah, i began training to be a teacher but was put off massively

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Best of luck in whatever you want to do, hopefully the decesion won't be too hard to make :nice:



I'm not even finished highschool but my mom was talking to me about saving money now to pay for it and living costs for when I move into accomidation.

But I really want to do the course :nice: so I will work hard.

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Hey i finished uni last summer (winchester - but commuted as live in portsmouth), wasn't too bad, since then it's been tough finding a proper job so been getting experience elsewhere, and now off to do a masters in london in september.


do a masters if you can, it will be beneficial and you'll meet so many like minded people who are more mature and level headed. and of course it'll give you that extra edge over others in the job market :)


worst part is you can't get any funding for an MA unless you're applying for an award/scholarship, etc. so this course is going to financially r*pe me of my savings :(

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I just finished uni too! this last semester... :D And yes, is a little stressing now, about finding what to do.


Right now I'm trying to find a post-grade program to do abroad for the next year (Probably a Master). I'd wish it was in Germany.


Supposedly, that was going to be my main concern for this next semester (I mean, searching for programs, universities, scholarships, fundings, etc) but oddly, it seems like I just got a job at an university as asssitant teacher and researcher because my friend just recommended me for it. So I'm quite happy because this is a really good uni and it will be good for my cv and the experience, and the money I'll get will be just fine, since I still live at my parents expenses.


This is actually going to be my first job ever... I start in about 2 weeks. I'm scared as hell, this is really serious thing.

Meanwhile... I still haven't figured out in what I want to specialize myself and where's the money for it. I know I still haven't looked up enough...

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Do a silly degree to get into a career you don't even need a degree for and you are going to struggle to get a job when you are 21 and have no experience.


I feel like people go to uni "just cos" and that's retarded.


I'm going because I want to get a degree and do something with it :thinking:

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I'm "finishing" uni hopefully next summer, I took a break from studying to work full-time for a year... Just a boring job though, unrelated to my studies. Only decent pay if you're a student, about a €1000,- a month, which is not enough if you'd have to pay mortgages and stuff.


Probably gonna do a Master's after this, because job prospects are bleak to say the least in my field (English language & culture).

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