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How to creatively use one pound coin on a Sunday to really upset someone on a Monday!!


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Mark's trying to bring the lulz but fails?


That would not be one pound coin. It would be hundreds of them.


Also WTF at having to pay to use a cart. o__O


It would only be one coin, because when you put the chain with the thingy on into the thing, the coin pops out and you are free to put it in another trolley, right? I don't know, those has always confused me.


. I think.

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Notes not coins? You're just being ridiculous Ed.


Anyway, the reason for the hypermarkets to do this is so that people will return the trolleys back at its place and not just leave it at random places..

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It would only be one coin, because when you put the chain with the thingy on into the thing, the coin pops out and you are free to put it in another trolley, right?


Correct. It isn't rocket science now is it............................... :dozey:

You can also get plastic tokens of the same size as a pound coin which can be used instead, so in theory, whoever did this wouldn't have even needed one coin.

Not that it matters, of course, as it's the end result that counts.:smug:

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Pretty sure it has to do with you have to pay a coin to get the shopping carts out of a little shopping cart thing.


Then again I could just be a foolish American


No, it's down here too, so they are retarded seeing as we get things really late


Also WTF at having to pay to use a cart. o__O


It gives you the coin back. :P

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