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Also, with the implant, if you have adverse side effects such as depression you can get it removed.


I have to warn you tho - I had the implant and had adverse side effects (constant bleeding)... and doctors would not remove it until it had been 3 months in case it 'sorted itself out'. Not saying this would be the case for you but yeah.


The implant here is fairly cheap tho (I don't know if that's cus it's covered by government or not).

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I have to warn you tho - I had the implant and had adverse side effects (constant bleeding)... and doctors would not remove it until it had been 3 months in case it 'sorted itself out'. Not saying this would be the case for you but yeah.


The implant here is fairly cheap tho (I don't know if that's cus it's covered by government or not).

Good to know.

I've never had it so didn't know that.

Hopefully you just had a crappy doctor and not all are like that, because 3 months of constant bleeding can't be fun!

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I have to warn you tho - I had the implant and had adverse side effects (constant bleeding)... and doctors would not remove it until it had been 3 months in case it 'sorted itself out'. Not saying this would be the case for you but yeah.


The implant here is fairly cheap tho (I don't know if that's cus it's covered by government or not).

What the fuck? Like I don't think I could even cope with that. Plus that mustn't be good for you either.

Thank you for telling me that though.





And I laughed at that ^

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I need advice and I really didn't want to go on a medical site of sorts because they'd just scare me, haha. There's loads of girls on here, surely one you guys can help.



I had a problems a few months ago with depression with pms, it's not totally uncommon but it was more than shitty to deal with.

So over the past number of months those problems had lessened (not as bad and not as frequent)

But recently I started taking the pill and unfortunately I found that those same problems came back D; I'm going to finish this prescription of course and see how it plays out.


Now my mom thinks it would be good for me to get the implant. The side of effects of it include depression and mood swings. I'm terrified that if I'm prone to them that i'll get them.


I don't know what to do :bigcry: stick with the pill or try the implant? Do the side effects of the pill wear down after a while?

Do you guys have any advice?


Obviously unprotected sex or abstinence are not even options, haha.


Ahhh I had an implant fitted in January and it's the most glorious thing ever.

I have had no negative side effects from it and I get very very very light bleeding or no bleeding at all. :awesome: I think I'm one of the lucky ones.

As for depression, I have no idea. I think my doctor warned me that it can cause all sorts of mood swings, but I haven't had any major ones personally.

I actually think that the pills where making me mood swing way worse than the implant, and they where giving me more frequent headaches.


Perhaps you should have a go at the implant. They will say that you should give it a chance and stuff if it's not working out so good, but they have to remove it any time you request it.

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Ahhh I had an implant fitted in January and it's the most glorious thing ever.

I have had no negative side effects from it and I get very very very light bleeding or no bleeding at all. :awesome: I think I'm one of the lucky ones.

As for depression, I have no idea. I think my doctor warned me that it can cause all sorts of mood swings, but I haven't had any major ones personally.

I actually think that the pills where making me mood swing way worse than the implant, and they where giving me more frequent headaches.


Perhaps you should have a go at the implant. They will say that you should give it a chance and stuff if it's not working out so good, but they have to remove it any time you request it.

Thank you Emily. I really want to try the implant. I've started to hate the pill, mainly because I took my first few tablets early in the morning because I was up for work. Now I'm off college during the week, so I'm like arggghhhh and dragging myself out of bed to take it, haha.

Plus it's more effective than the pill.

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OK, so I figured that since Emma could get advice about contraception, I could get advice on a somewhat related issue.


I'm at my time of the month right now, and during that time, I have really bad cramps. Right now, these are some of the worst I've had. I took some Midol 2 1/2 hours ago. The cramps aren't as bad, but I now feel physically nauseous and a bit lightheaded. :sick: I've taken Midol before and not had problems, so I don't know what the deal is. Anyway, I was wondering if any ladies had some solutions for how to deal with our monthly issues.

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Well, I wouldn't be too concerned myself if it was a one-off thing. I've found my symptoms during period time seem to vary a bit. I've also felt nauseous with extreme cramping, except that was without pain meds. Have you had the bad cramping before...?


For now heat helps with pain, and drinking water might help with feeling sick. Maybe try to rest a bit instead of trying to do everything you'd normally do.

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I know it's hard just to drop everything. But try to take time off, get a hot water bottle, drink tea (if you're feeling less nauseous), get into loose fitting clothes.

Also if you can, you could try a stronger pain killer. I found on my last period my cramps were so bad that my normal pain killer didn't work, so I had to get one from the pharmacy.

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The bad cramps are almost a given, and they tend to be pretty bad. Sometimes, they get to the point where I just HAVE to lie down because it hurts to sit up. I can't help but feel concerned because my mom has explained to me that as she has gotten older, hers have gotten worse. Hers would sometimes get so bad, she'd start getting migraines and get physically ill. I just don't want mine to be like hers. D;


Anyway, I feel a bit better now, even though the cramps are back. I'll definitely keep the heat tip in mind. (I have no idea how I didn't know about that. HERP.) Thanks, ladies, for the advice. :hug:

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The bad cramps are almost a given, and they tend to be pretty bad. Sometimes, they get to the point where I just HAVE to lie down because it hurts to sit up. I can't help but feel concerned because my mom has explained to me that as she has gotten older, hers have gotten worse. Hers would sometimes get so bad, she'd start getting migraines and get physically ill. I just don't want mine to be like hers. D;


Anyway, I feel a bit better now, even though the cramps are back. I'll definitely keep the heat tip in mind. (I have no idea how I didn't know about that. HERP.) Thanks, ladies, for the advice. :hug:

I've always had bad cramps and heavy periods but that because I have endometreosis, they haven't been as bad since I had my daughter 13 years ago, but I still get them. I even get 2 days of pain when I'm ovulating, I can tell you which ovary is releasing the egg and how far it is, my doctor didn't believe me until they did tests lol

Basically, doctors think this is what you should expect being a woman, but you can find some sympathetic ones.

Hot bath, hot water bottle, lie down always helps but if you don't have that option, you could look at changing your diet as some foods make the cramps worse than others. Finally, even though you don't feel like it, in fact you'd rather cut your own arm off with a rusty spoon, but exercise does help. It kills at the time, but after, the cramps ease, swimming is good for me. You could try a walk or something and see if it helps :hug:

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