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Please wish my Kitty good luck


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Why's she having a surgery?

When I came back from London on Sunday my husband mentioned that the past few days she had been "missing" her box and it also looked like there was some blood in her pee. I took her to the vet, and it turns out she has bladder stones (even saw the x-ray). One of them is kind of big, so it isn't feasible to put her on the special diet to dissolve them since it would take way too long, so she has to have them surgically removed. Plus she will have to be on a speical cat food for the rest of her life. Thankfully she really likes the food, I started mixing it in with her other food yesterday.


She's only 6-7 years old, and she's been on a really good food the whole time, so it's odd that this has happened. Oh well, what can you do.


So I have to drop her off in the morning on the way to work, and then pick her up on the way home. They gave her a delay-release shot for pain on Tuesday, but it wasn't until yesterday that she started to look a little "loopy". Her eyes are a bit dilated and she walks with her tail down and she keeps on rolling around on her back. It's kind of cute knowing she's, umm, "high".


Hopefully she will do okay with the recovery. I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow.

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When I came back from London on Sunday my husband mentioned that the past few days she had been "missing" her box and it also looked like there was some blood in her pee. I took her to the vet, and it turns out she has bladder stones (even saw the x-ray). One of them is kind of big, so it isn't feasible to put her on the special diet to dissolve them since it would take way too long, so she has to have them surgically removed. Plus she will have to be on a speical cat food for the rest of her life. Thankfully she really likes the food, I started mixing it in with her other food yesterday.


She's only 6-7 years old, and she's been on a really good food the whole time, so it's odd that this has happened. Oh well, what can you do.


So I have to drop her off in the morning on the way to work, and then pick her up on the way home. They gave her a delay-release shot for pain on Tuesday, but it wasn't until yesterday that she started to look a little "loopy". Her eyes are a bit dilated and she walks with her tail down and she keeps on rolling around on her back. It's kind of cute knowing she's, umm, "high".


Hopefully she will do okay with the recovery. I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow.

Aww poor Kitty, that must hurt if some of the bladder stones are big :disappointed:. Cats are pretty cool though and from what I know they get on with their lives pretty quick after a surgery. At least that has been the case with the cats my family has had :nice:. Oh yeah unless the kitty has to wear one of those funnels or whatever they are called. You know this thing they have around their neck so they cant lick the wound :wacky:

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Good luck to your cat! My dog also had a surgery in february 2008,a cancer on the left side of his chest was successfully removed but 2 years later reappeared on right side! Unfortunately, a month ago we had to euthanize him! I hope that everything will go fine with your pet!

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