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The Buckland Religion~Official Thread


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I don't hear any sound on those slow-mo clips :confused:


That's because I took it off as it was all distorted.


We're talking about posting a comment on YouTube videos. There's an option to listen to an audio preview of what you have written and we were all messing around with it the other day :P We're so childish :lol:

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That's because I took it off as it was all distorted.


We're talking about posting a comment on YouTube videos. There's an option to listen to an audio preview of what you have written and we were all messing around with it the other day :P We're so childish :lol:




*robot voice* what are we? twe-e-e-lve?



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Belly!!! :dead:






now...for those AMAZINGLY BELLINGLY gifs I am Grateful! LOL ..u know that same picture is like the BEST remembrance I have from the concert i saw back in september...right at the end, the BEST...jonny's belly!!!:D:D:D:D:D


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Did I eat today? No

Check my mail? No

Buy groceries? No

Clean house? nope

Make gifs from my videos? Hell yes! :D


Ft Lauderdale lovers



DC dancers



Philly white shirt smiling love



Ft Lauderdale banner smiling love



Belly!!! :dead:








I :heart: you Angie



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What you're doing wrong is using the embed that YouTube gives you and surrounding it with the media tags. This simply does not work as YouTube's embed is HTML, not the board's BBCode. All you need to do with YouTube links is copy the URL and paste it in the middle of the URL tags, but make sure that the bit between the http:// and .youtube says www. Because it changes if you're not using the international YouTube and if it isn't www then it doesn't work.


hope that clears it up :nice:



:dizzy2: Woo! I think so!



Lori you're an ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!! :wacky:


I LOVE those vids!!! Especially the CoL and 42 ones. When he sings... oh god he sways his body from side to side so sensually :bomb:






Yeah, total porn!




That's because I took it off as it was all distorted.


We're talking about posting a comment on YouTube videos. There's an option to listen to an audio preview of what you have written and we were all messing around with it the other day :P We're so childish :lol:




And, naturally, the things we were typing out were all very pervy!:lol:





Did I eat today? No

Check my mail? No

Buy groceries? No

Clean house? nope

Make gifs from my videos? Hell yes! :D


Ft Lauderdale lovers



DC dancers



Philly white shirt smiling love



Ft Lauderdale banner smiling love



Belly!!! :dead:








These deserve to be on every page!!!!




By the way, I wanna bite his belly! RAWR!!!!!!!:sneaky::wink3: Not too hard of course. But lightly, then kinda hard!:sneaky::sneaky::whip:








now...for those AMAZINGLY BELLINGLY gifs I am Grateful! LOL ..u know that same picture is like the BEST remembrance I have from the concert i saw back in september...right at the end, the BEST...jonny's belly!!!:D:D:D:D:D





OK, now would be the time to post your Jonny belly picture! Please and thanks!:D





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Lori you don't need to use media tags.


All you need to do is copy the address from the browser and post it here. It automatically embeds it :D Easy as that :nice:


Useless habit no. #158: Adding media tags when the forum embeds it for you

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