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The Buckland Religion~Official Thread


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Heehee, thanks. Chris is the creator of the Jonnyfest. He has been doing it for 15 years. :lol: :love:


Chris did see our banner, but refused to acknowledge it. He doesn't want to share his Jonny. So it seems. :P







Great sig Lori :kiss:

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The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos :D




Thanks Min:)


I can't believe I've never seen that bit before! I should be punished:whip: I had only seen the bits from the Hour that were on youtube.

awwww I love Jonny so much :heart: :heart: That story just made my day:)

My next door neighbours were sheep:D

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Thanks Min:)


I can't believe I've never seen that bit before! I should be punished:whip: I had only seen the bits from the Hour that were on youtube.

awwww I love Jonny so much :heart: :heart: That story just made my day:)

My next door neighbours were sheep:D



We worry about Jonny when he's in Australia and NZ :tongue:

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where is part 2?

I think there are 4 other parts to this interview...











I think the sheep may be a bit nicer here in oz, although once they did surround me in the car. But Jonny, if you are reading, STAY AWAY FROM THE SHEEP;)

Sheep are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

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Great sig Lori :kiss:


Thanks! :kiss:


Not to me individually though :sad:


Just in my general direction :tongue:


Aw! I've never seen him do that. That's cool!






I like your new sig Min. :wideeyed: Arms! :wacky: Wrist! :wacky: Hand! :wacky: Fingers! :wacky:







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