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The Buckland Religion~Official Thread


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I downloaded the iheart radio festival the other day, in quite high res.. I screencapped.. so after posting a few in the Chris thread the other day, Safy has pleaded with me to do Jonny too.. so how could I refuse !!







the Jonny ones are quite dark.. sorry - the spotlights were all on Chris..


















Gifs are being done today. too..

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I hope no one actually thinks that's Chloe. I'm not adding anyone acting as a band member or family member on FB.



I'm highly skeptical, but who knows, she did have a Twitter account, and she was fairly open and gracious to a lot of fans who contacted her through it. I still call BS on this one though.:thinking:

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Well, she had one photo album that was public, and I've never seen the photos in it before, so you never know. There are so many on fb, many just there to roleplay and are harmless, but many others who use the band as a way to mislead or even stalk strangers.


Debs has made it clear that the guys don't have personal fb or Twitter accounts, but she never said anything about their wives. Still a skeptic though.

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Well, she had one photo album that was public, and I've never seen the photos in it before, so you never know. There are so many on fb, many just there to roleplay and are harmless, but many others who use the band as a way to mislead or even stalk strangers.


Debs has made it clear that the guys don't have personal fb or Twitter accounts, but she never said anything about their wives. Still a skeptic though.


Debs does say that, but she may simply be doing so to protect their privacy. The only thing we can say for sure is that they don't have public accounts. My only point was that Chloe is the only member of the Coldplay "inner circle" that's had a confirmed public presence on this type of thing. (barring Jo's twitter/blog which she mainly uses for professional purposes.), and based on the fans that had contact with her when she was on twitter, she did seem more than willing to share a certain amount of personal information.

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She says it to protect naive fans from online stalkers. If you find one of the guys on fb or Twitter, it's NOT THEM. pure and simple. But as I say, she never said that about family members, and Chloe did used to be fairly accessible on Twitter. Well, I sent this one a request, more out of curiosity than anything. Most of the fakes have mutual friends in commone with me, and she doesn't, so you never know...

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She says it to protect naive fans from online stalkers. If you find one of the guys on fb or Twitter, it's NOT THEM. pure and simple. But as I say, she never said that about family members, and Chloe did used to be fairly accessible on Twitter. Well, I sent this one a request, more out of curiosity than anything. Most of the fakes have mutual friends in commone with me, and she doesn't, so you never know...



I never meant to imply that people purporting to be the band online were even remotely genuine, but I can see how my post came off with a rougher edge than I intended it to. My bad.:(

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I never meant to imply that people purporting to be the band online were even remotely genuine, but I can see how my post came off with a rougher edge than I intended it to. My bad.:(


No, I didn't take it roughly at all. I've PM'd her about it as one 'Chris' a few weeks back was being practically pronographic in how he interacted with a few people. THat stuff really gets under my skin, and I can only imagine how the band feels. If I'm touchy, it's not because of your posts,lol.

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No, I didn't take it roughly at all. I've PM'd her about it as one 'Chris' a few weeks back was being practically pronographic in how he interacted with a few people. THat stuff really gets under my skin, and I can only imagine how the band feels. If I'm touchy, it's not because of your posts,lol.



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