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Annoying Idioms

Prince Myshkin

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There's one in German that always confused me, don't know if it exists in the same form in English: having hair on your teeth = someone who talks a lot. :wtf:


Hahaha :wtf: We don't have it in french either.


I don't understand the other ones you and Greg posted. :(

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Keep your eyes peeled, means stay vigilant, or keep looking as something will happen, or you need to find something.


You peel a tangerine or a banana. Take the skin off it.




Long in the tooth means old. I just imagine a really long tooth.



Spitting image means looks exactly the same.

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I've used this plenty of times before, but now that I think about it I don't understand the spitting reference.


Maybe reflection in the spit?


Yeah, I've used these before, it's only when you think about them do you dislike them, if I'm honest haha. Then again, that's true with absolutely anything when it comes to language or none physical contact.

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saying a person 'eats like a bird'


That implies they don't eat much. Which is funny to me, because the birds that come to my birdfeeder eat incessantly.


It's weird, really, as there's also "eats like a gannet", which is the opposite.:dozey:

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Pot calls the kettle black (and other variants) - used if somebody is hypocritical (the kettle and pot are both black in this scenario).

For example if I lambasted somebody for being too beautiful and amazing.


I don't see how that example applies. :tongue:

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