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The first time I heard of Radiohead was on MTV when those little Kid A blips were circulating. I didn't know who they were and was kinda scared. I thought they were some weird ambient band (much like sigur ros).. That's what those Kid A Blips will do for someone who doesn't know anything about them, I guess. Bad marketing on their part :D

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well, their ok computer performances were awesome and magical during the ok computer era, the same for the bends and each album, but the performances of kid a live and amnesiac are outstanding


I have to agree on that one.

I first saw them live on the Kid A tour, twice. And it was just genious.

They even played gems like The Thief, Pearly*, Killer Cars and Motion Picture Soundtrack back then...

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It's like my trade mark and i'm pretty wacko actually :wacky:


Oh well back to rh, what was the first radiohead song you ever listened people? :dance:


My cousin told me i had to listen to karma police from rh. So i downloaded some of their songs, the first one i listened to was Talk show host. I liked it a lot. Some days later he showed me a live gig from rh. They played I might be wrong and the national anthem and i didnt like it at all, it sounded like they were all playing different things. Maybe thats why i never really liked those songs. But after i heard Karma police..the rh crazyness started :heart:

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i was reading an interview with jonny a few weeks back and he said that they really struggled to re-create Kid A live on stage. and then they worked on it during the Amnesiac tour to make it what it is today. personally i think Kid A songs sound the best live, Morning Bell for me is one of the few radiohead songs that sound better live than it does on the album. Ed's harmonies are simply perfect!!

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I'm sad to say the first time I saw them live was this last summer in Chicago. I'm really desperate for them to tour again.


haha... me too. I saw them twice this past summer (All Points West Festival night 1, and Camden, NJ). I'm really itching to see them tour again. I've decided that next time they tour i'm gonna try and get tickets to all the shows they play close to me (Tri-state area)

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ah you europeans and north americans have no idea of how lucky you are. radiohead tour over there almost every year whereas they haven't played in australia for almost 5yrs now, they did a tour back in 2004. despite the fact that In Rainbows went to No1 here and was front page news when it was released digitally.


a little request for the party. could we make it at around 8pm New York time (which is midday here in sydney). or maybe have two different parties to suit the time differences.


and will the album be OK Computer?

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Sound good to me and have fun ninaaaa! I might have my little rh party anyway haha :wacko:
Thank you :wacko: I might come online later in the early hours, but I'm not sure ... I don't even know what state I'll be in! :p


Oh well back to rh, what was the first radiohead song you ever listened people? :dance:
Creep, most probably. And later Let Down, which became my favourite RH song for a while :smug:


When they played MPS did they incorporate 3+ minutes of silence?
I don't think so ... will check it tomorrow or on Saturday, I'm not sure I'll have time before then.


have any setlists from the latin america tour popped up yet on AtEase? or any other fan sites

Hey, the tour hasn't even started yet! :p



Re Atease - gen chat is the only place I usually avoid, it's full of jerks. Mostly jerks, to be fairer.

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