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motorways and tramlines

starting and then stopping

taking off and landing

the emptiest of feelings

dissappointed people clinging on to bottles

adn when it comes it's so so dissappointing


let down and hanging around

crushed like a bug in the ground

let down and hanging around

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It's like my trade mark and i'm pretty wacko actually :wacky:


Oh well back to rh, what was the first radiohead song you ever listened people? :dance:


It was actually Airbag. My brother's friend played it and I thought it was ok. He burnt me all of OK Computer and I remember thinking that this is the most depressing music ever. The only songs that I liked were Karma Police and Exit Music (For a Film). Even though Exit Music I found to be really depressing, it was when the drums came in that I loved the most of the song. It wasn't until about 5 years later or so that I actually got into the band, became obsessed and... well the rest is history.

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airbag is an excellent song, but ok computer is one of the best albums ever created


Sooo true. A little while back over on At Ease, there was a discussion as to the "best three consecutive songs on a Radiohead album" and I couldn't believe that Airbag-Paranoid Android-SHA wasn't the unanimous choice! Those three songs are cosmic. OKC is a hands-down masterpiece.

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Sooo true. A little while back over on At Ease, there was a discussion as to the "best three consecutive songs on a Radiohead album" and I couldn't believe that Airbag-Paranoid Android-SHA wasn't the unanimous choice! Those three songs are cosmic. OKC is a hands-down masterpiece.

interesting, maybe I should get out of the anyone can play guitar section :P but it's just that on that site I feel like thom singing I dont belong here :D

But yes, I think that three consecutive songs are strong, but heck I could take also exit music, let down and karma police...

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for a long long time, almost 4 years the only radiohead song i knew was Creep as our local modern rock station would play it everyday. as much as i loved the song i never bothered to try and find more of their music. but a government run tv channel would show a couple of different radiohead concerts on a regular basis (i think one was Belfort 2003 and the other looked like from 2001) and i would force myself to sit down for the 80 or 90mins and watch the concerts even though i didn't recognise a single song (they refused to play Creep). i remember being mesmerised every time i watched but sort of freaked out by Thom.


then on the 15th of october 2007 i had the pleasure of hearing In Rainbows in full on the radio. i was amazed at how brilliant it was but i still paid nothing to buy it off the website. the album took over my life (i had my yr12 final exams in the same week) and over the next month i went out and bought the bends ok computer and kid a.


radiohead single handedly turned me off mainstream top 40 crap and into alternative music.

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i dont mind the odd rap song now and then. but most of my faves aren't huge names. i enjoy a bit of Lupe Fiasco and kanye west in his early days.


what would people say is the closest radiohead have ever come to making a cheesy pop song? i think High and Dry as well as Stop Whispering have a real genuine pop sound about them.

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Hello Radiohead fans,

I recently started listening to Radiohead. Actually, their first song I heard was House Of Cards (that was a couple of months ago) and my first reaction was WHAT?! :uhoh:

Then, last week I thought that maybe I should try to listen to some more Radiohead songs, so I downloaded OK Computer and In Rainbows. When I listened to those albums, I thought, well, they're ok, I like the melodies in the most of the songs and Thom's voice is really great. Then I found some lyrics and tried to understand a few songs, but I wasn't really successful. :confused: I've also heard Creep and I think it's maybe the most understandable song (for me).

At the moment I like to listen to some of the songs eventually, but if I listen too much (and by too much I even mean 5-6) I get in some kind of a weird mood. :confused: But on the other hand I'm starting to like their songs... I don't know...

Am I too young to listen to Radiohead (I'm fourteen)? Should I give the other albums a try? Or maybe wait until these songs I've already heard start growing on me? Or even let it go and try again after a couple of months/years?


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Hello Radiohead fans,

I recently started listening to Radiohead. Actually, their first song I heard was House Of Cards (that was a couple of months ago) and my first reaction was WHAT?! :uhoh:

Then, last week I thought that maybe I should try to listen to some more Radiohead songs, so I downloaded OK Computer and In Rainbows. When I listened to those albums, I thought, well, they're ok, I like the melodies in the most of the songs and Thom's voice is really great. Then I found some lyrics and tried to understand a few songs, but I wasn't really successful. :confused: I've also heard Creep and I think it's maybe the most understandable song (for me).

At the moment I like to listen to some of the songs eventually, but if I listen too much (and by too much I even mean 5-6) I get in some kind of a weird mood. :confused: But on the other hand I'm starting to like their songs... I don't know...

Am I too young to listen to Radiohead (I'm fourteen)? Should I give the other albums a try? Or maybe wait until these songs I've already heard start growing on me? Or even let it go and try again after a couple of months/years?


I think that they albums that you have are the easiest to get into, but perhaps take a listen to The Bends. Personally I think that they are one of those bands that take a while to get into. It took me a few years after i initially listened to them to get into them. It took my dad a few months to get into them. I think that they are one of those bands that if you want to start off take in small doses. Perhaps give them a listen to a while longer and see what happens, or just completely take a break and come back later. For me they were difficult to get into but once you get into them it's like a blackhole and you can't escape (it's been a 2 1/2-3 year obsession for me)

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I'm glad the guys don't play high and dry :D

Well, welcome MK, in fact, one never is too young to start listening to radiohead, don't try to understand the lyrics, feel the music and then interpret the songs, you'll see thom is a strong song writer but I would suggest to get the bends, a more accesible yet excellent album

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don't feel that you HAVE to like radiohead just because alot of other coldplay fans do. i know alot of people who have a great appreciation for awesome music yet absolutely hate radiohead but love Muse and Coldplay. but they are a band that people will talk about in 20 -30years time in the same way people still talk about pink floyd and led zeppelin. so in that sense you don't want to be someone who never gave them a try.

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Hello Radiohead fans,

I recently started listening to Radiohead. Actually, their first song I heard was House Of Cards (that was a couple of months ago) and my first reaction was WHAT?! :uhoh:

Then, last week I thought that maybe I should try to listen to some more Radiohead songs, so I downloaded OK Computer and In Rainbows. When I listened to those albums, I thought, well, they're ok, I like the melodies in the most of the songs and Thom's voice is really great. Then I found some lyrics and tried to understand a few songs, but I wasn't really successful. :confused: I've also heard Creep and I think it's maybe the most understandable song (for me).

At the moment I like to listen to some of the songs eventually, but if I listen too much (and by too much I even mean 5-6) I get in some kind of a weird mood. :confused: But on the other hand I'm starting to like their songs... I don't know...

Am I too young to listen to Radiohead (I'm fourteen)? Should I give the other albums a try? Or maybe wait until these songs I've already heard start growing on me? Or even let it go and try again after a couple of months/years?



If you like Coldplay, The Bends is a very good album to transition to. If you don't like Radiohead right away, don't sweat it. It's not for everyone, and if it IS for you, it'll happen naturally. It's not about age, it's about taste and maturity, I think. Nobody is too young or too old to like something if they actually do like it. But, don't force Radiohead. Or any band, for that matter. It's important to like what you really like. Maybe one day you'll listen to one of their albums and suddenly it'll just click for you. It happens with everybody all the time.


In fact, just today, I listened to Pablo Honey, which I consider a pretty sub-standard Radiohead album, and out of nowhere, I started to realize that it is actually a very good album. It just hadn't reached the true RH potential, and when it precedes The Bends and OKC, it's easy to overlook. So, that's what I'm talking about. If you're meant to like Radiohead, it'll just happen.

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for a long long time, almost 4 years the only radiohead song i knew was Creep as our local modern rock station would play it everyday. as much as i loved the song i never bothered to try and find more of their music. but a government run tv channel would show a couple of different radiohead concerts on a regular basis (i think one was Belfort 2003 and the other looked like from 2001) and i would force myself to sit down for the 80 or 90mins and watch the concerts even though i didn't recognise a single song (they refused to play Creep). i remember being mesmerised every time i watched but sort of freaked out by Thom.


then on the 15th of october 2007 i had the pleasure of hearing In Rainbows in full on the radio. i was amazed at how brilliant it was but i still paid nothing to buy it off the website. the album took over my life (i had my yr12 final exams in the same week) and over the next month i went out and bought the bends ok computer and kid a.


radiohead single handedly turned me off mainstream top 40 crap and into alternative music.


Damn! Those radio and tv stations sound awesome!

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