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What are the 5 best movies of all time?

punks united

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1. Love Actually - I am totally obsessed with this movie, I literally watch it at least once a week, everything's lovely about it!

2. August Rush

3. All the Harry Potter films

4. 500 Days of Summer

5. Inglorious Basterds


But anything with Colin Firth is worth watching :D

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1. Love Actually - I am totally obsessed with this movie, I literally watch it at least once a week, everything's lovely about it!


But anything with Colin Firth is worth watching :D


OMG, i totally agree with you! Colin as Mark Darcy and Mr. Darcy <3.

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People seriously have 500 Days of Summer?



It's a Wonderful Life

North by Northwest


Citizen Kane


Not my personal favorites, but the 5 highlights in cinema history. Some other great films are Ameilie, The Godfather, The Shining, Jan Svankmajer's Alice, The Thin Man, The Naked Gun, Airplane, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Night of the Demon, The Kid and Donnie Darko.

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