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...if you smoke.


Or if I rip them off. :blank:


Don't smoke, kids. All-caps were necessary.




Plastic surgeon warns smoking can cause nipples to turn black and fall off


Source: http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2011/12/05/smoking-can-make-your-nipples-fall-off/


I cringe every time I see a patient for a breast lift who is a smoker. I’m deathly afraid that despite my warnings, she will smoke before or after surgery and cause her nipples to turn black and fall off.


Yes. Smokers who undergo breast lifts are at great risk of losing their nipples.


I’ve seen it before.


The nicotine in cigarettes and the carbon monoxide contained in cigarette smoke can diminish blood flow to various parts of the body. These toxins act as a virtual tourniquet. If the blood flow to a particular body part becomes greatly reduced or halted, that body part dies.


In my memoir “In Stitches,” I told the story of a smoker whose nipples turned purple while undergoing a breast lift surgery. Purple is the precursor to black. Black is the precursor to falling off. To save the patient—and her nipples - we turned to the only treatment available.


We went medieval.


We used leeches.


Because of the mechanics of blood flow, when the blood supply is inadequate, which occurs with smoking, the tiniest veins often fail. This insufficiency results in a backup of old (venous) blood in the body part, causing it to turn purple. If the backup of old blood is serious enough, the purple color may eventually turn black. That’s when we know the body part - toe, finger, or nipple - is dead.


We use leeches to literally suck out the excess venous blood from the body part, acting as an attachable vein. The leech drains the old blood, causing it to turn from unhealthy purple back to healthy pink. We place leeches intermittently until the body part grows new blood vessels to do the leeches’ work. This can take several days.


Not long ago, during a consultation for a breast lift, a patient, Susan, admitted to being a pack-a-day smoker. I informed her that smoking can cause difficulty in healing and instructed her to quit smoking at least one month before surgery and to stay off cigarettes for at least a month afterward. Several months later, when she arrived at the hospital for her breast lift, she smelled like an ashtray.


“Susan, I thought you quit smoking.”


“I did. OK. For a while. It’s really hard to quit, Dr. Youn.”


“I know,” I said. “But this is a big deal. There could be major healing problems if you smoke before or after surgery.”


“I understand. But I want to go ahead with the surgery anyway. It’ll be fine.”


She wasn’t hearing me. I needed to get through to her. “Susan, listen to me. If I operate on you, your nipples could turn black and fall off.”


Her eyes widened. “You mean… I’d have no nipples?”


“No nipples. That’s what smoking can do.”


Susan flushed. She raised her voice. “Dr. Youn, I took a week off work for this surgery. I had to put my whole life on hold for an entire week. If you told me I’d lose my nipples from smoking, I would’ve quit for good. This is your fault.”


Yes. Seriously. Susan blamed me for the inconvenience.


Thanks to her, I’ve changed my policy. In addition to the Surgeon General’s Warning that appears on cigarette packages, I now offer the Plastic Surgeon’s Warning to all my patients who smoke: If you are having a breast lift or reduction and you smoke, your nipples could turn black and fall off. If you are having a tummy tuck and you smoke, you may get an infection resulting in a big gross open wound that will take three months to heal. If you are having a facelift and you smoke, the skin of your cheek could turn black and slough off, leaving exposed fat.


Imagine yourself looking like “Two-Face” from “Batman: The Dark Knight.”


And do you really want me to reach for the jar of leeches?


Smokers, you have been warned.

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The tides are ridiculously important. You just don't feel the direct effect of them. Coastally, though, they're responsible for a lot of industry. Tides are one of the main reasons why ocean water is constantly flowing. Otherwise, it would be impossible, and oceanic life wouldn't exist.

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Or just don't do a breast lift :|


Nah, I looked it up because I was interested. The breast lift just increases one's chances of it. Smoking still weakens your synaptic and pressurized vessels, which are vital to things staying attached: Notably, the hair, nails, and nipples. People who smoke will experience discoloration of this based on your resistance to nicotine/tar poisoning of these areas Nicotine binds to inward vessels, cutting off circulatory stuff and binding to these areas.


The breast lift brings in a different dimension: Not only are smokers manipulating this biochemically, but they are physically shifting the vessels and tissue necessary for the synapses to play a role there. Not to mention that there's a new, artificial layer of silicone which greatly increases pressure to the area.


Boob jobs are super ridiculous.

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Boob jobs are super ridiculous.


I don't think so. Some people are rightfully self-conscious about their boobs. Not that I'm saying they should be, but...ya know. It's not a ridiculous request to want to have normal looking boobs. ;_;


I think I'm going to get one, seeing as these are what my boobs look like (post-nipple disappearance, of course).




...jk. about getting a boob job. not what my boobs look like. :disappointed:

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I thought I was being a super-awesome progressive feminist.


No, wait. I was. The only problem with your boobs is that MEN victimize you into thinking they're deformed. :angry: Don't fight your boobz. Fight the men.


Women shouldn't be self-conscious about stuff like that. It's a moot point. It's much harder to be a girl (you're constantly under societal image pressures because sexy women, or the stereotypical, disproportionate, products of corporate mechanics). Take it from me, guys (or at least the men you would be interested in in the end) don't care about that. I would marry someone whose boobs were made of sandpaper and wood glue if they were smart, driven, and great to talk to. You don't deserve to have to deal with people who are constantly making you feel deformed and therefore miserable.


I understand WHY people get breast enhancements, but it's that reason why I think they're ridiculous. It pisses me off that people have to do that to feel confident. I don't get why women are always on trial: Men should be. YOU have to ovulate, YOU have to give birth, and in the end WE get to pee standing up! It's unfair.


And don't post pr0n on my thread. Even though that drawing is awesome.

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I've been bullied about my body more by girls than men. :| The reasons why are probably disputable, but I like to think it's because my intellect was intimidating. :nod:




Well, fuck those bitches. They're just jealous you're not pregnant.

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The only problem with your boobs is that MEN victimize you into thinking they're deformed. :angry: Don't fight your boobz. Fight the men.


Women shouldn't be self-conscious about stuff like that.

Hm, but like the Mad Hatter says it seems more women who make a problem out of it, than men. I never had a men saying nasty things about mine. Now, the girls on the other hand love to say they are small. Yes I know :rolleyes:, at least mine don't hurt when I run around in a bad bra.

It's usually like that eh, women with small ones want bigger ones, women with big ones want smaller ones.


.... I have the suspicion Baw8cc just started this thread because he wants the ladies to talk about (their) boobies on here :thinking:



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.... I have the suspicion Baw8cc just started this thread because he wants the ladies to talk about (their) boobies on here :thinking:


Nah, I'm more of an ass man myself. :blank:





And you should call me Brent. Baw8cc is a name given to me by my school for my email account. I just made it my name on here, so that I would remember. I was lurking for years, but when ETIAW was released they made it so you had to have an account to get on the boards, so I made this one. I didn't intend on talking a lot.


And I'm stuck with a stupid name on here.


But my real name is Brent, which is equally stupid kind of. It means "climbing up a big hill" or something like that. WTF?

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Oh wow, I finally know your IRL name, and I didn't even have to ask. SCHWEET. :awesome:


(Sorry if that sounded awkward. I just feel weird asking for people's names.)


BUT YEAH. Great. :cheesy:


Arguably, that's a way more awkward thing to say than asking me for my name.


But you're welcome. ?



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I thought I was being a super-awesome progressive feminist.


No, wait. I was. The only problem with your boobs is that MEN victimize you into thinking they're deformed. :angry: Don't fight your boobz. Fight the men.


Women shouldn't be self-conscious about stuff like that. It's a moot point. It's much harder to be a girl (you're constantly under societal image pressures because sexy women, or the stereotypical, disproportionate, products of corporate mechanics). Take it from me, guys (or at least the men you would be interested in in the end) don't care about that. I would marry someone whose boobs were made of sandpaper and wood glue if they were smart, driven, and great to talk to. You don't deserve to have to deal with people who are constantly making you feel deformed and therefore miserable.


I understand WHY people get breast enhancements, but it's that reason why I think they're ridiculous. It pisses me off that people have to do that to feel confident. I don't get why women are always on trial: Men should be. YOU have to ovulate, YOU have to give birth, and in the end WE get to pee standing up! It's unfair.


And don't post pr0n on my thread. Even though that drawing is awesome.


You have got to stop watching Oprah re-runs. :smug2:

I can't believe this was on CNN. :lol:


Anyway, this doesn't concern me, I'm not a mammal so I don't have any nipples.

None of the creatures from my planet have nipples. :blank:

But we generally have a very elaborate coccyx.


Nah, I'm more of an ass man myself. :blank:





And you should call me Brent. Baw8cc is a name given to me by my school for my email account. I just made it my name on here, so that I would remember. I was lurking for years, but when ETIAW was released they made it so you had to have an account to get on the boards, so I made this one. I didn't intend on talking a lot.


And I'm stuck with a stupid name on here.


But my real name is Brent, which is equally stupid kind of. It means "climbing up a big hill" or something like that. WTF?


Bitch, you told me your name was Bob. And you never called the day after. Lame. :nod:

That's a cool name, its meaning that is. I suppose you know Kate Bush's song Running Up That Hill?


My name's origin is Greek (Nicholas or Nick in English) and it means "Victory of the people".

Pretty democratic, don't you think? Part of it comes from Nike, the Greek goddess of victory.

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