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Road trip.

The Mad Hatter

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Anyone and everyone who isn't a murderer. Although it would be weird for me to be meeting up with anyone super young.

As a side point I'm confident people would like me more in real life than online.


How old are you Greg? I keep reading these comments from 13 and 14 year olds and I feel like I'm an old lady. I'm 26. Haha.

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How old are you Greg? I keep reading these comments from 13 and 14 year olds and I feel like I'm an old lady. I'm 26. Haha.


I'm 24. I can't decipher if I'm an old or a young 24 year old. When I speak to people my age (outside my group of friends that is) I feel like I jumped a decade, but then when I live my life I feel like a teenager again.


Pm me if you want.

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okay so if you were going on a roadtrip specifically for visiting coldplayers, what coldplayers would you visit? on a relatively realistic budget, whatever that may be for you.


i was just thinking about the subject myself. :thinking:


Lucy and Nancy. Many Europeans, it'll give me an excuse to go all over Europe :smug2:

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I could technically go to (crap, I can't remember your name, MXColdplayObsessed >.<) < that person, because we live pretty close together. Relatively. I think, if you live in Pennsylvania. I can't remember. :thinking:


But I am going to meet Taameen and Madison, which will be awesome. :wacko:

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