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Im looking for a certain type of music! Please help me


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Once the tune starts in, that sort of euphoric, happy, epic sound. The vocals ruin this song for me, but instrumentally I absolutely love this song.


Coldplay also has that certain feel to some their songs, but Im wondering if some might know if there are any other bands with amazing instrumentals to back them up.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Yosqms1nM]Glasvegas - Euphoria, Take My Hand - YouTube[/ame]



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1. This thread should really be in the WoM.

2. If you're wanting something "euphoric," I think I'll have to disagree with my colleagues on Muse. A lot of their music tends to be on the opposite side of the emotional scale.

3. Not that you shouldn't listen to Muse, if you don't already. Go check them out. Please. /Musefangirl.

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