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I need someone to help me with my writing.

Matter-Eater Lad

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Top tip: define what help you need


Everything? I know my grammer isn't the greatest, I need an editor for that. But also for the writing in general. A critique on how it reads, the story and such...


Stay on topic, unless whatever you´re drifting onto is interesting. I hate stories that just drift off somewhere else.


I have ADD probably...

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I'm not really sure. It's a 3rd person narrative about two fucked up young people. At first they each get their own chapter until they meet and then the chapter combine together as they go through life together. Chapter one is about the girl, then chapter two is about the boy and it'll switch back and forth for a few chapters. It's based off people I know, well a combination of people together to create the two main characters and other smaller characters. The girl is really messed up and into drugs and needs someone to hurt to take out her pain on someone else. The boy's best friend just killed himself and he's lost, and needs someone to save because he feels guilty about his friend. Ahh man this sounds cheesy.

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJnU3Yi02fo]That Novel You're Workin' On - YouTube[/ame]


(only joking, just expected someone to post that when I made a writing thread recently)


Will you be looking to add new insights into these types of people or will it just be going into character depth to the individuals rather than just passing judgement over them? There isn't a better one to choose, those are just two possible ways you can go about it, both rewarding when done right, in my opinion.


Will it be a short story or novella, or even something larger?

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I love that scene.


I want to keep it short for my first one. Because I know it'll be shit. I really want to go in depth with the characters. The young woman in the story, I want readers to want to hate her but feel bad for her instead. For the young man, he's wealthy, living in a large city but every desire he fulfills just makes him more unhappy. So he needs to live for someone else, help someone else to save himself because he can't live for himself without feeling empty.His friend was just like him, young, wealthy and ended deciding nothing on earth would make him happy so he killed himself. Again this is loosely based on people I know. The character that kills himself is a fictionalized version of a friend of mine who actually did kill himself, last year actually (he just wasn't wealthy as the character in the book will be). But the main guy relates to his friend so much, he starts to wonder if his friend who he feels was a better version of himself couldn't make it in the world, how could he? I want to go in depth to our culture and generation through these characters.

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