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This bitch cray


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Sorry, just trying to lighten up the mood a bit. I've been stalked before as well, it's really unfair, makes one feel a bit paranoid for sure, and I don't have any easy answers. Best to keep turning her away and making sure she knows it, else she will be ever-more persistent.

Yea, it's hard too knowing what modern technology offers, there are definitely problems with hidden cameras and listening devices. Give the house a thorough cleaning / "debugging" if possible.

<edit> : You could always grab a can of spray paint, and change the mace can's colors to say a pleasing dark green, or dark grey?

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To quote your: "Anyway, once about two years ago I started talking to her because she was really shy and I thought I would be nice."


So often whenever I go out of my way to be nice, it always backfires. :disappointed: That's why I prefer such adjectives as "Cynical" and sometimes even downright "Inconsiderate". :smug: :nod:

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I'm gonna have all the stuff


- Mace spray

- Mace spiky ball thing

- Rape whistle

- Stun gun

- Mace gun


Amazon says I can bundle the spray, whistle and mace gun to save $15!!!!! :wacky: !!!!!!!


And it all comes in pink

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Oh yeah and did I mention that I never showed her where I live, and the mailboxes for employees in that building are not common knowledge?




I keep looking at my phone to see if there's naked pictures popping up on it or something


I fear for my life

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:laugh3: gawd, sounds like a movie script! The stalker! Rated M for mystery...

Sounds like she's been at it for a while, good with clues and all that - determined types are amazingly good if they want something so badly. I'd plant a tracking device on her, GPS, small one like they use on bikes. Go on the offensive, be aware of her whereabouts..

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:laugh3: Probably not quite that, but think Watergate complex, think phones, think quick places where devices can be hidden.

But definitely keep track of her, these new GPS devices must be pretty small to be tucked away on bikes. Buy an infra-red scanner too, hooked to the computer, just in case you need a thermal image of all the hiding places in the house..

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