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What color are your pubes?


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I did not voted. because it's more like questions about how is the art of kama Sutra in Japan, not know :|



but I can always make a map of what I understood.


gray = old

black like my soul = black like my soul

red and pink = red and purple

the drapes match the carpet :flutterby: Mount Olympus and paint graffitis multicolored butterflies.


when you can make poetry :nod:

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I did not voted. because it's more like questions about how is the art of kama Sutra in Japan, not know :|



but I can always make a map of what I understood.


gray = old

black like my soul = black like my soul

red and pink = red and purple

the drapes match the carpet :flutterby: Mount Olympus and paint graffitis multicolored butterflies.


when you can make poetry :nod:


I dont get how all of you are laughing at Lory´s post, when actually she is the only person who understood my intentions. By asking what the color of your pubes are, I just wanted to know all of your inner thoughts and beauty of soul. Each option meant exactly want she said. If you feel like you have an old soul, a dark sinister soul and when I typed pink I actually meant purple, which means color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment.. while red is power, of having that spiritual fulfillment.

The last option is that you don´t even know what kind of inner machinations are working inside your soul. You just go with the flow. Flow your pubes.


Pubes are poetry. Its a synonym.

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I dont get how all of you are laughing at Lory´s post, when actually she is the only person who understood my intentions. By asking what the color of your pubes are, I just wanted to know all of your inner thoughts and beauty of soul. Each option meant exactly want she said. If you feel like you have an old soul, a dark sinister soul and when I typed pink I actually meant purple, which means color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment.. while red is power, of having that spiritual fulfillment.

The last option is that you don´t even know what kind of inner machinations are working inside your soul. You just go with the flow. Flow your pubes.


Pubes are poetry. Its a synonym.

Fuck you got me

I really felt bad for a second




Well why the fuck not.



How is that disgusting

oh god it's beautiful

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I want to know because apparently you can dye your pubes.
A girl on my co-ed softball team used to do it in her party days when going to concerts. Apparently she "showed" it to somebody in a band, but I don't remember who she said it was. :bomb:

Although I do remember she said that she had to first bleach it before she could color it (so the wild crazy colors would set in appropriately). She said the bleaching step often hurt like a mofo.

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