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Can anybody find me a job?

Gitta Rensolo

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the short version of it is:


I feel like I made the wrong decisions within the past 5 years....I trained as a music sales woman (does this word exist? haha), but I quit my job because I thought I want to get a qualification as a teacher....but I know that this means another 5 years without money....and now I am trying to find a job again which I can enter with my qualification....which isn't easy AT ALL, because I know that I don't want to work as a sales woman again ahhhhhhhhhhhhh....I wish I could explain this better in english

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Do service to your country and join the military. Get qualified in a trade, do 4-6 years then go back into the civilian sector as a traine----



*Country: Germany*


Uh, never mind. Just keep looking and keep your head raised high! Your next job is only around the corner.

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Hi :)


First of all, I'm sorry :/ I probably know a bit how you are feeling because in the last few months I was full of doubts about what I chose to study. And this happened towards the end of last year and this year is my last graduation year. Anyway, I made up my mind now and I'm very happy about what degree I chose. So, just keep your mind clear and don't lose hope. I know it sounds like a cheap and dodgy cliché, but I sincerely hope you can get through this.


Anyway, what I wanted to ask is if there isn't any programme that financially supports students (sorry I don't know any vocabulary to express this, but hopefully it's understable) at the institute where you are going to train as a teacher? It will definitely be very different from having a full time job, but at least it's something.


Another option would be taking part in research programmes in which you get a scholarship to develop a project. Try to look for some info in the web page of the institutes you have mind.


I hope it helps somehow.

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Hi :)


First of all, I'm sorry :/ I probably know a bit how you are feeling because in the last few months I was full of doubts about what I chose to study. And this happened towards the end of last year and this year is my last graduation year. Anyway, I made up my mind now and I'm very happy about what degree I chose. So, just keep your mind clear and don't lose hope. I know it sounds like a cheap and dodgy cliché, but I sincerely hope you can get through this.


Anyway, what I wanted to ask is if there isn't any programme that financially supports students (sorry I don't know any vocabulary to express this, but hopefully it's understable) at the institute where you are going to train as a teacher? It will definitely be very different from having a full time job, but at least it's something.


Another option would be taking part in research programmes in which you get a scholarship to develop a project. Try to look for some info in the web page of the institutes you have mind.


I hope it helps somehow.


Hey, thanks :)


well, there are programs that financially support students....I entered uni 5 years ago but I quit after 1 year, because it wasn't the right thing...I got a financially support back then, but it wasn't enough...I had to find a job to earn some extra money besides being student...it was freaking hard to find something which was a minor reason why I quit uni....


I wish I was one step further and finally knew what to do....

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Have you looked at the Air Force?


Well the Air Force is my last option seeing as how I'm not fit to take part in the 6+ months in boot camp :wreck:


I hope to find an airport by my college (whichever it will be,) and get a job there....as of now I only know of 4 colleges that are specifically geared to aerospace.

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Maybe because you chose a competitive industry that has many people looking for fewer jobs


He wants to be an aerospace engineer so he should follow that until he is absolutely sure he can't. His last option is in the air force.


Him changing career paths to something his heart doesn't truly desire based on what industry is competitive would be a huge source of regret in later life. He is only 15 years old. He is young enough that if he works as hard as he can and keeps fighting, he will be an aerospace engineer. I have no doubt in that.


Don't bum him out too much. What he wants to do is very doable.

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