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Brent Wants a Thread


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You dislike everything


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4tZRZSGxcE]Pauline Pantsdown - I Dont Like It - YouTube[/ame]


This is correct there was no fecal matter involved. :blank:


How could you possibly keep a straight face while typing this? Hahaha

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If your original penis touches your new penis then you've touched another penis with your penis, so that'll be gay. On top of this your second penis is also your penis touching another penis, so that's like doubley gay, because you'd own two penises that are touching other penises. In fact I think that means as soon as they touch they instantly go into a multiplier of gayness, so when that happens you are instantly gay to infinite.


That also means you're cheating your girlfriend. BUAHAHAHA

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That also means you're cheating your girlfriend. BUAHAHAHA


That also means you're cheating your girlfriend.

you're cheating your girlfriend.


cheating your girlfriend





...why do I even bother?

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