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Who inspires you?


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There's so many people I could name. And a lot of them would be musicians.

But really it's my good friend who was diagnosed with cancer in the summer of last year. She's been through complete and utter hell these past 8 or so months, and through it all she's managed to keep up her same attitude toward life. She's still the same Sydney I know and love, and I'm tremendously proud of her. Her journey has been extremely difficult and she's going through everything so well. She's just... absolutely amazing and I'm glad to have met her.

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Anyone who has/had the courage to go after what they want in life and to ignore those who tell them not to.


Also, those who go out of their way to help people and make the world a better place. And no, I'm not in the running in a beauty pageant. :P

(And I have to say this: Benedict and Chris!!!---> :heart::dazzled:)

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There's so many people I could name. And a lot of them would be musicians.

But really it's my good friend who was diagnosed with cancer in the summer of last year. She's been through complete and utter hell these past 8 or so months, and through it all she's managed to keep up her same attitude toward life. She's still the same Sydney I know and love, and I'm tremendously proud of her. Her journey has been extremely difficult and she's going through everything so well. She's just... absolutely amazing and I'm glad to have met her.


Aw. I wish her the very best of luck. :)

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