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YOLO: Emily is on prescriptions


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ugh you guys i am so flipping emotional rgith now


last night in the er, this littl eboy was crying so much and it made me cry and i wanted to hold him until he stopepd crying


now i'm listening to "kiss quick" by matt nathanson and crying again like i'm in my right mind


oh and i almsot hasd a panic attack when they brought out needles for bloodwork. wtf i donate blood all the time

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i just seriously feel like my life i sthis blip of begging people to love me or something except nobdy ever loved me really except for my mom and my grandma but she died :disappointed:


but some really cool things have happened, like i figured out that i like mushrooms and sometimes i don't use an umbrella when it rains outside

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How can you expect people to love you if you aren't loyal to your umbrella? : (


I love you. And also I've never owned an umbrella in my life and not sure if I've ever used one. I actually like rain.


i don't even own an umbrella :lol:


a lot of people on the internet say they love me, but people in real life avoid me :disappointed: rain is the best thing because i can be wet without being in a bathing suit or naked :|

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i think i took too many


i'm yelling at my boyfriend becasue he keeps talking to this girl from arizona and being all like "lol i totes luv the it crowd and doctor who" when he told me "meh those shows suck~" when i was talking about them


so i hate him and im suppsoed to be alone forevr


so im listening to "carry me ohio" by sun kil moon.

it's my favorite song ever.


he keeps deleting their conversations and stuff.


i think im ne of thsoe stupid females who ignorse all the signs of dating a dickhead


i'm just supposed to be sad right


i hate to be all whiny or whatever but give me a break i'm on my period and i haven't slept well in a month (only three hours at a time) and i'm high too so don't yell at me for being all dumb

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