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Here we go


It's gonna take a while because of the iambic pentameter thing


I'm working on it


k I'll keep myself occupied in the meantime by catching up on Justified and staring at Neal McDonough's pretty creepy eyes (pretty and creepy and simultaneously pretty creepy)


y r u still awake
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Carrie: a mod of mods that gives us joy

She keeps us laughing she keeps us coy

Loves Thom, Ed, Phil and Colin and Jonny

But not much love for joking and folly :snobby:


She loves the numbers and talks in math

She likes her husband but not the wrath

of Coldplaying n00bs that bring her trouble

For her modding powers are that not subtle


Stand in her path and you're at wit's ending

Your sanity and intelligence must be pending

For Carrie is smart, is kind, is courteous you'll find

Her humor is charming her face is alarming----


----ly pretty :cheesy:




Okay no more meter you guys I can't do it anymore


I don't even think I did that one right :disappointed: but whatevz

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Carrie: a mod of mods that gives us joy

She keeps us laughing she keeps us coy

Loves Thom, Ed, Phil and Colin and Jonny

But not much love for joking and folly :snobby:


She loves the numbers and talks in math

She likes her husband but not the wrath

of Coldplaying n00bs that bring her trouble

For her modding powers are that not subtle


Stand in her path and you're at wit's ending

Your sanity and intelligence must be pending

For Carrie is smart, is kind, is courteous you'll find

Her humor is charming her face is alarming----


----ly pretty :cheesy:




:dazzled: Awww thank you Brent, I will cherish this forever!

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Tash Tash

We're diggin' tha mash

of your internet savvy

But you're not a navvy


You always update

Just on the uptake

Of new information

The best in the nation!


Without you we'd surely be sore

Coldplaying would be just a bore :disappointed:


But we're in luck for we have you

The pursuer, the painter,

The seeker (it's true)


How do you know

When Coldplay's at row

Within minute's notice

At tweeting a lotus (doesn't make sense but I can't think of anything else that rhymed)

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It's less of a "congrats" thing so much as a ratification of my not having a life


But thanks :nice:


I'll do your thing tomorrow I'm too tired :disappointed:


I can't even slpel :disappointed:

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Four hours of sleep, this day is going to be so awesome!


awww, I'm sorry :hug:





ANIMAL! :lol:


Tash Tash

We're diggin' tha mash

of your internet savvy

But you're not a navvy


You always update

Just on the uptake

Of new information

The best in the nation!


Without you we'd surely be sore

Coldplaying would be just a bore :disappointed:


But we're in luck for we have you

The pursuer, the painter,

The seeker (it's true)


How do you know

When Coldplay's at row

Within minute's notice

At tweeting a lotus (doesn't make sense but I can't think of anything else that rhymed)


Aaaah, thank you Brent :kiss:

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