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"Beloved 17 year-old Tommy Parker was killed yesterday in a horrific incident, whilst taking part in a new craze known as 'Donkey Crunching'. Tommy was a kind, generous and outgoing boy who didn't care for any of the evils in the world and only saw the good in everyone. All of his friends and family are devestated by this loss and none of us want to see the same thing happen to anyone else.


'Donkey Crunching' involves the riding of a donkey across a busy road, as fast as possible, in order to avoid being hit by oncoming traffic. Unfortunately this backfired on young Tommy - as he was riding the innocent beast across the road a double decker bus and a Land Rover collided with the pair, killing Tommy and the donkey almost instantly.


Tommy's parents declined to comment on the nature of the accident itself, stating only that it was '.... A senseless waste of both human and donkey life.'


Please stop this craze from taking hold on our nation's youth. We do not need to lose anymore innocent lives on this stupid, senseless fad. We hope many people join and spread awareness of this cause, before it's far too late."


Please show your support by 'Liking' the page on Facebook and spreading awareness on this very serious matter. Hopefully no more people will die because of this stupid act.



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This is clearly a joke, right?


edit: Just researched some more. Clearly a joke. The only source for this I have found is a stupid facebook link that is filled with nonsense.


If this was real, there would be sources from both the police, emergency crews and news websites. There would also be more than thirty likes on facebook. I suggest that TwistedPolitik either is involved in the joke and the creation of the facebook page, or is friends with those who are.

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Hmmm yeah actually I think the media would have picked this up more from an animal rights point of view and displayed "young" Tommy as the evil one or the one who was bullied into it, rather than oooooo poor tommy who could do no wrong who just happened to ride a donkey into a car.

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"Regrettable news I'm afraid. The driver of the Land Rover which collided into Tommy has commit suicide, overcome with grief and guilt. Donkey crunching has claimed yet another innocent life. R.I.P."


Lol okay yeah, this isn't real.

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This is clearly a joke, right?


edit: Just researched some more. Clearly a joke. The only source for this I have found is a stupid facebook link that is filled with nonsense.


If this was real, there would be sources from both the police, emergency crews and news websites. There would also be more than thirty likes on facebook. I suggest that TwistedPolitik either is involved in the joke and the creation of the facebook page, or is friends with those who are.


Well, yeah :| Pretty obviously.


A senseless waste of both human and donkey life.'
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