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Meal ideas! Any chefs out there?


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Christ 200 calories is not much is it!

That's more like a snack haha


I can only think of bread as being enough to make you feel full so maybe a slice of brown bread and soup? obviously leave out the butter.


or maybe get brown pitta bread and put tomato paste on it and sprinkle diced vegetables you like on it such as green/orange/yellow peppers and fresh tomato or onions and then grill it which would make your own little pizza :awesome: maybe put a tiny bit of cheese on it as well.

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or maybe get brown pitta bread and put tomato paste on it and sprinkle diced vegetables you like on it such as green/orange/yellow peppers and fresh tomato or onions and then grill it which would make your own little pizza :awesome: maybe put a tiny bit of cheese on it as well.


this sounds great!

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I guess this thread has something to do with this post:


If I lose one stone then ill be classed as rather underweight but only then will I be happy :/


Why do you want to be underweight? Just eat healthy instead of living on minimal calories.

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I love to cook, but nothing low calorie or vegetarian.

^ this.




Please be careful though. Being healthy is a lot more important than losing weight. And chances are, if you're healthy, you'll probably be at a good weight. Just don't drain yourself. Life feels pretty miserable when you have no engery.

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If you want to, then try soups.


I'll vouch for this. I've been on my own weight-loss journey since January, and I've found that a can of soup (not the condensed soup, but the bigger cans that you just put in a bowl and heat in the microwave) is enough to fill me up for a meal while being not so high in calories.


Having said that, an average person should intake 2000 calories daily, and having 3 150-calorie meals is a terrible idea. The things I would be more worried about in terms of living healthier and/or losing weight consist of things such as more of the good stuff, less of the bad stuff, and portion control. You can eat a lot of things as long as you don't overdo it. Also, exercise and a healthy amount of sleep is extremely important, so you have to take those things into consideration as well.


I hope this helps, Molly. Best wishes to you. :nice:

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What kind of meal is it? What part of the day?

200 calories won't get you much if it's your main meal of the day.


Christ 200 calories is not much is it!

That's more like a snack haha


I can only think of bread as being enough to make you feel full so maybe a slice of brown bread and soup? obviously leave out the butter.


or maybe get brown pitta bread and put tomato paste on it and sprinkle diced vegetables you like on it such as green/orange/yellow peppers and fresh tomato or onions and then grill it which would make your own little pizza :awesome: maybe put a tiny bit of cheese on it as well.

This sounds lovely, thank you!!


I'm eating 500 calories a day is the reason for the low calorie need and I know you guys probably don't understand my need to be really thin but it's just what I want.

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I'm eating 500 calories a day is the reason for the low calorie need and I know you guys probably don't understand my need to be really thin but it's just what I want.


Molly, please don't do this to yourself. Being thin isn't everything.

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I know you guys probably don't understand my need to be really thin but it's just what I want.


Oh wow well that explains it.


I'm guessing you're only revealing this to us because if you told someone in real life they might do something annoying like try and talk sense into you. If you achieve your goal then good luck not breaking something when you go to lift a pen.

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Molly, please don't do this to yourself. Being thin isn't everything.


I know, but I've always hated how I look, and believe me I've tried everything to be thin, so this is the last option I guess. I can't afford plastic surgery.


It really is a personal thing, everyone says I'm not fat but it's what I see myself, I'm doing this for myself only , I'm not doing it so I can please other people and look like someone out of Vogue, I'm doing it because I personally look in the mirror and don't like what I see.

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I know, but I've always hated how I look, and believe me I've tried everything to be thin, so this is the last option I guess.


Oh god, nobodies opposed to eating low calorie foods it's more the fact that you want to be dangerously thin instead of anyone taking issue with how you do it. Unless you're missing the point on purpose.

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I know, but I've always hated how I look, and believe me I've tried everything to be thin, so this is the last option I guess. I can't afford plastic surgery.


It really is a personal thing, everyone says I'm not fat but it's what I see myself, I'm doing this for myself only , I'm not doing it so I can please other people and look like someone out of Vogue, I'm doing it because I personally look in the mirror and don't like what I see.


I guess being insecure about how you look is a typical teen thing but it doesn't mean you have to starve yourself. If you want to lose weight do it the healthy way, this will do serious damage to your body. Maybe not right away but definitely in the long run.

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Oh god, nobodies opposed to eating low calorie foods it's more the fact that you want to be dangerously thin instead of anyone taking issue with how you do it. Unless you're missing the point on purpose.

The point of the thread is that I need some low calorie meal ideas so I can lose some weight to become thin?

I guess being insecure about how you look is a typical teen thing but it doesn't mean you have to starve yourself. If you want to lose weight do it the healthy way, this will do serious damage to your body. Maybe not right away but definitely in the long run.

I'm not starving, I have been eating. I do normally eat healthy anyway, but I'd like to lose weight so I decided on this 500 calorie thing.


Has anyone ever done a successful diet then?

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hey! I hate how I look, but I do I starve myself for that?



just eat healthy and sport

makes you thinner and fitter, you'll feel a lot better then :nice:[/color]

Thanks, I will be doing more sport now that I've always finished school and it's summer :nice:

You know what, if you want a good snack...Celery has 0 calories in it. You actually burn more Calories from chewing it, than you gain from eating it. :P

I had celery today :P

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I'm not starving, I have been eating. I do normally eat healthy anyway, but I'd like to lose weight so I decided on this 500 calorie thing.


If you decide to do this you will be starving yourself because 500 calories is a quarter of what you need a day.

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It really is a personal thing, everyone says I'm not fat but it's what I see myself, I'm doing this for myself only , I'm not doing it so I can please other people and look like someone out of Vogue, I'm doing it because I personally look in the mirror and don't like what I see.


While I can relate to not liking what I see in the mirror (it's part of the reason I started losing weight myself), I have other reasons, too. When I started, I was about 80 pounds overweight, and I was on the verge of getting high-blood pressure. I also have a family history of diabetes, and I wanted to avoid that. Looks can be important, yes, but should they be everything? I don't suppose so.


I don't know what you look like, but I don't think people would lie to you about you not being fat. Perhaps you should take more heed of what people say in terms of the positives in how you look.


At any rate, 500 calories a day isn't healthy by any means. Even the people who go on "The Biggest Loser" due to their obesity are put on 1200 calorie diets. 500 calories is dangerous, and you won't get nearly the amount of nutrients you need that way.


I guess being insecure about how you look is a typical teen thing but it doesn't mean you have to starve yourself. If you want to lose weight do it the healthy way, this will do serious damage to your body. Maybe not right away but definitely in the long run.


This leads to something I haven't even thought about until just now. You're a teen, so really, this is something you shouldn't even be doing right now. While I'm assuming you've gone through puberty, as a teen, your body is still developing, and if you go through this insane 500-calorie regimen, you'll end up depriving yourself of essential things in order to help certain parts of your body develop, and that could very well hurt you in the long run.


We really want to help you. We really do. All we ask is that you think about it and, no matter what you do, PLEASE be careful. I'd hate to hear you ended up in the hospital due to nutritional deficiencies or some other anomaly.

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I know, but I've always hated how I look, and believe me I've tried everything to be thin, so this is the last option I guess. I can't afford plastic surgery.


It really is a personal thing, everyone says I'm not fat but it's what I see myself, I'm doing this for myself only , I'm not doing it so I can please other people and look like someone out of Vogue, I'm doing it because I personally look in the mirror and don't like what I see.

I know that way of talking. What if you're seeing a distorted view of youself in the mirror? Everone sees a thin and healthy girl but you. Doesn't it seem better then to change your point of view instead of trying to get even more thinner? Why is it that you are so obsessed with losing weight? Why do you feel like getting thinner? I really hope this is not evolving into some eating disorder :( if it does, you only want to become thinner and thinner - even when there's only flesh 'round your bones. If that quote of Tash is really what you are thinking I hold my heart.


There are other ways of becoming happy with what you see in the mirror than getting more skinny.

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