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Paedophile given suspended sentence after 13 year old victim described as 'predatory'

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The attorney general is to review the sentence of a convicted paedophile who avoided prison after his 13-year-old victim was described in court as predatory and was said to have encouraged him.


The prosecutor Robert Colover was also criticised after he reportedly told the hearing: "The girl is predatory in all her actions and she is sexually experienced."


Neil Wilson, 41, formerly of Romford, Essex, was given an eight-month sentence, suspended for two years, when he appeared before Snaresbrook crown court, in east London, this week.


The judge, Nigel Peters, said he had taken account of the fact the child looked older. Wilson had lured the teenager to his home where he watched her strip out of her school uniform before she performed a sex act on him.


The abuse came to light when the girl confided in a friend who then told police. During a search of Wilson's home officers uncovered a cache of images and videos depicting child abuse and bestiality.


Wilson, now of York, pleaded guilty to two counts of making extreme pornographic images and one count of sexual activity with a child.


Judge Peters told him: "The girl was predatory and was egging you on.


"That is no defence when dealing with children but I am prepared to impose a suspension."


A spokesperson for the attorney general's office said: "The case has been drawn to the attention of this office as a possibly unduly lenient sentence.


"This means it will be considered by a law officer (the attorney or solicitor general) who will decide whether it should be referred to the court of appeal."


Children's charity Barnardo's said that young people cannot consent to being abused, while the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) described Colover's comments as "inappropriate".


Alison Worsley, deputy director of strategy at Barnardo's, said: "Children can never truly consent to their own abuse. It is plain wrong to imply in any way that the experiences of sexually exploited children are something they bring on themselves.


"It is difficult to imagine the torment experienced by the vulnerable victims of crimes such as these. Many turn in on themselves and have feelings of shame and even self-loathing on top of the psychological scars inflicted by the abuser.


"It takes immense bravery for these young people to relive their ordeal in a court of law and we must not forget that it is the abuser who is guilty and not the victim."


A CPS spokesman said: "The language used by prosecution counsel was inappropriate. The transgressor in this case was the defendant and he bears responsibility for his criminal acts."


Over 4,000 people have signed an online petition calling for the CPS to investigate the language used by Colover.


The petition, which was started by a woman named Jo who described herself as a "survivor of childhood sexual abuse", stated: "It's unacceptable that the Crown Prosecutor – the person who this young girl was relying on to help get her justice – used this kind of language in court.


"It's a sad fact that this kind of attitude is commonplace within society and the legal establishment. We need to make a stand and send a clear message: It's never the child's fault."

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It's as if the adults in these situations have no free will and are physically incapable of stopping situations like this. They know right from wrong at their age and are supposed to be moral guardians and help children/minors make the right decisions. Therefore, if you sit on your ass and let something wrong happen by complete choice, you are not the victim in any situation!


I will never understand how people this stupid are allowed so much power.

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Disgusting comments. Though I contest the quote


Alison Worsley, deputy director of strategy at Barnardo's, said: "Children can never truly consent to their own abuse. It is plain wrong to imply in any way that the experiences of sexually exploited children are something they bring on themselves.


It is plain wrong to imply in any way that the experiences of ANYONE who is sexually insulted are something they bring on themselves.


The whole thing is so gross I actually feel sick, which is quite rare for stuff I read on the internet. Ugh.

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Par for the course these days in this country. Here's another couple that have hit the headlines recently:


A judge who described a drug-addicted serial thief as "courageous" is to be investigated by the judicial watchdog.



and the same judge said this:


Judge who said burglar was brave refuses to jail paedophile because he'd 'have a hard time': Child-abuse campaigners attack let-off for serial offender


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