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Birthday: 10.12.1972

Born in : Brussels, Belgium

High: 1.68m

Weight: 55kg

Surnames: Molks, Smiler, Louise

Band rule: Singer, guitarist, bassplayer

Studies: Acting and Drama

Favourite Food: Italian and can cook some indian food

Smoke for the first time:13

Lost verginity: 14, in France with a Carol, 16

Best talent, under his point of view: cooking pasta

He hates: Football Racism, Tailand and his forgetfulness, yellow

His biggest fear: loosing Steve and Stefan

Favourite Bands: PJ Harvey, Sonic Youth, The Animals, ....

Favourite Countries Spain,France

Foreign Languages : French, English, German, Italian


Other Infos:


Brian’s Grandmother is from Bologne, Italy therefore he can speak Italian

Brian loves surfing the net and likes checking out what fans think about him

He´s once swam in the river Thames

Smokes Malboro Light, or Malboro Ice.

His parents are divorced

His brother Barry is 10 years older than him

He hasn´t kept many contacts with his Family

He isn´t a vegetarian anymore

He likes other vegetarians

He has once payed £700 for drugs when his monthly gain was only £600!

He doesn´t always wash his hair

He dyes his hair

He had to travell a lot as a kid since his dad was an international Banker and he had to grow in different lands until they took the decision to live in Luxemburgh

He hates Britney and Fred Durst from Limp Biskit.

He lives in London

Bad tongues say that his „“„best part“ is 7cms long

He is a big fan of The simpsons

He hates "East Enders"

He and Dave Grohl might have been together,

Once, when he got asked if he would rather sleep with fat or slim girls, he just answered: “I F**k them all!

His brother works at “Molko Motors” in New York

He likes wearing Gucci clothes

He likes drinking bloody mary beside Red Bull

When he got asked, what animal he would like to be, he said an owl cause he could always stay up till late or a dog or a cat so that he could be hugged and caressed

He´s got a rose I-pod

His favourite film: breakfast at Tiffany

wow thanks for the translation ;)

surname louise, why is that? :huh:

oh too young to smoke i think....

mm likes pasta :wacko: the simpsons and Spain... is not very tall...

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wow thanks for the translation ;)

surname louise, why is that? :huh:

oh too young to smoke i think....

mm likes pasta :wacko: the simpsons and Spain... is not very tall...


I have no Idea why he has that surname!


lol bea ....basically it´s your ideal man!:P:P

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^yeah I know...he´s quite exentric...he likes being different

...lol during the concert he just sat down and smoke a cigaret at one point....like Guy during till kingdome come

Guy also smoke?


oh well if he smokes few cigars a day.... but the drugs thing :confused: you read he spent 700, more what he earned.. that's not good...

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yes course...well.....wait:thinking: i am not sure if he smoke, but during concerts and during till kingdome come Guy used to sat behind the other 3 and drink a beer or something...


yeah I heard about the drugs:confused:...well i know that also the song "Special K" is about a drug...and I though it might be fo the cereals:P



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yes course...well.....wait:thinking: i am not sure if he smoke, but during concerts and during till kingdome come Guy used to sat behind the other 3 and drink a beer or something...


yeah I heard about the drugs:confused:...well i know that also the song "Special K" is about a drug...and I though it might be fo the cereals:P



oh well they need to take something during concerts, be playing during hours with the lights must be tiring.


oh may be.... as you said he is quite excentric so... if he spent much money on it, he must be so hooked... i think :thinking:

i also thought it was about the cereals but never listen that music on the adverts, and if you've seen the clip.. someone is checking steve (i think is the drummer) and brian get into his body driving something.... :thinking:


that's the thing i don't like of artist, as i read an article that says that main drugs are on our brian, and we use them when we think, so if we are in a creative mood we are taking them... and if they need to take them to be creative, is a bad thing :confused:


but as i told to my dad somedays ago, i can understand that being on a tour must be stressing and so you need "help" to go on with a concert almost each night.

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look what i've just found...


quite weird pic... the dad is screaming and the kid silent lol


do you think the baby could be his son? :thinking:


niiice pic!I love it though Brian has the exactly cut of hair that I don´t like:P


I have no idea about the baby..where did you find the photo?

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niiice pic!I love it though Brian has the exactly cut of hair that I don´t like:P


I have no idea about the baby..where did you find the photo?

same here.... i prefer that he have a bit longer hair lol, but not too long...

looking for Brian pics on yahoo images spain... came on the second page... the place where is doubt if is his kid... don't know who is the mother so...

*needs to look for a pic of the mom* :idea2:

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she´s really beautiful!...and is the other man brian???:lol:


have you noticed that in the other pic with the baby, Brian wears a KRAFTWERK t-shirt?:D


so the baby has mom´s hair I guess:nice:

I like the name Cody!:nice:

yes he is lol that's why i believed she is helena.... :idea2:

yes i did, and i love it :nice: i like kraftwerk :dance:

yes it seems, he is so like mom, so you were right...

i read the baby is named after his all time friend or something like that.

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it seems is not on the page now...


^hope it helps, tiny pic but is the second on the left... the second line i mean.


i think the second pic of cody is not the same baby but as in the first one seems older and has longer hair, is not that close and his eyes are closed so don't know...


i think we are getting molko addicted :uhoh: hehe.

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^lol do you think so? no, I am still too much coldplay and travis addicted at the moment..but it´s true I am quite intereste:P:P


anyway on the link i gave you there was a pic of young brian at school on the second page...did u see it? ...brian in the first on the left for what I understood:thinking:

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^lol do you think so? no, I am still too much coldplay and travis addicted at the moment..but it´s true I am quite intereste:P:P


anyway on the link i gave you there was a pic of young brian at school on the second page...did u see it? ...brian in the first on the left for what I understood:thinking:

oh well i'm on a placebo mood yet so don't know what to say...


the guy with the dark jacket and smiling? could be... they say that she guy of the other side is stef's bro and they post a baby stef pic down... but wait a pic of them when were teens in black and white and the baby stef is in colour? :thinking: a bit strange....

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oh well i'm on a placebo mood yet so don't know what to say...


the guy with the dark jacket and smiling? could be... they say that she guy of the other side is stef's bro and they post a baby stef pic down... but wait a pic of them when were teens in black and white and the baby stef is in colour? :thinking: a bit strange....



maybe it´s a fake...I don´t know!:thinking:

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well the kid could be brian... but thinking of the pic colour thing... temporal line, the b/w pics are previous to colour ones so... btw i read that brian and stef went at the same school... so may be is true.... because as the pics machines don't came all at the same time, could be them aren't a fake.


i wonder where people found those things


btw could you see the pic of him witouth make-up?.

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well the kid could be brian... but thinking of the pic colour thing... temporal line, the b/w pics are previous to colour ones so... btw i read that brian and stef went at the same school... so may be is true.... because as the pics machines don't came all at the same time, could be them aren't a fake.


i wonder where people found those things


btw could you see the pic of him witouth make-up?.


I wonder too where people found the pic....well maybe they were put on the official site by the group members....mm I don´t know:thinking:


yeah I saw the pic..quite weird actually:confused:......:P

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I wonder too where people found the pic....well maybe they were put on the official site by the group members....mm I don´t know:thinking:


yeah I saw the pic..quite weird actually:confused:......:P

yes may be... don't know..... but you see they know the story behind the pic lol...


yes is quite weird, we used to see him with make-up... lol. withough it he just look like a normal boy, the one you won't pay attentio if you find him on the street, don't you think?

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yes may be... don't know..... but you see they know the story behind the pic lol...


yes is quite weird, we used to see him with make-up... lol. withough it he just look like a normal boy, the one you won't pay attentio if you find him on the street, don't you think?


yes probably...but if you think it´s always like this with celebrities...you could never imagine finding them on the streets, and sometimes when it actually happeneds you can´t really realize it:P....it happend to me and my mom...we were in rome and at a point, just out of a famous theatre, a man came out of the door and almoust fell over my mom....he said quicly that he was sorry and my mom just walked on and I was lik: mom!:stunned: did you see who THAT was??:P...in the end it was a quite famous italian actor and my mom didn´t even realized it was him:P


anyway I think brian would look good too, but it would just not be him without make up and dyed hair:P

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