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Hello! (My Coldplay journey)


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Hey everyone!


My name is Rita, I'm Moroccan and I live in London. I've been a Coldplay fan for about 8 years now. I remember hearing Viva La Vida in 2008 and thinking "damn, this band sounds so cool!". Although VLV is not my favourite album, it is the one that made me like them in the first place. As time went by, I listened to every album and, eventually, every single song. My love for the band kept growing. I'm probably not the only one to say that, but Coldplay really did help me through some tougher times and I will forever be grateful for that.

Unfortunately, living in Morocco at the time made it impossible to ever see them live as they never go there, and I was too young to plan a trip abroad on my own. So when I moved to London a year and a half ago, seeing Coldplay was one of the main things I was looking forward to. A week ago, on Thursday 16th, my dream finally came true when I finally saw them in Wembley. That day will forever be carved in my mind and heart for more reasons than one.

I woke up pinching myself. I couldn't believe the day I was looking forward to for 8 years has finally arrived. I went to Wembley early, on my own, a bit bummed that the friend I was meant to go with bailed on me. Then I noticed a group of people next to me listening to Coldplay, so I started singing along, and eventually started talking to them. In all non-Coldplay concerts that I've been to, queuing was the boring annoying part. But that day, it was entertaining and fun, and time went by very quickly. It also happened that one of these guys was Linus, with whom I instantly bonded over the fact that we both knew every single Coldplay lyrics. That connection later grew to something even more special, and that day may have changed our lives forever. Linus made a great post about it which you can check out here: https://coldplaying.com/forum/index.php?threads/my-adventure-of-a-lifetime-featuring-surprises-new-friends-and-love.107270/#post-5829650




That day was by far the most incredible day of my life so far. As I heard the first seconds of AHFOD, I felt something that I had never felt before and that I honestly can't describe with words. I obviously cried when they played Fix You, and was overjoyed when they played Green Eyes as it's one of my favourite songs of theirs and wasn't expecting to hear it. Everytime I looked up and saw all the Xylobands glowing I felt like my heart was going to burst with joy. The concert felt like a dream, and the company made it even more memorable.

Linus later convinced me to go see them again on Saturday. I agreed and don't regret it at all.

The last few days have honestly been like a waking dream. This band just keeps bringing me joy every day, whether it's with their music or by leading me to meet people that may be part of my life forever.


Enough blabbering. I don't know why it took me so long to join Coldplaying, but now that I'm here I just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully get to know more members of this incredible community.

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Guest diogo_sg

Hi Rita! Welcome to Coldplaying! I'm really happy you finally decided to join us. Hope you have a wonderful time here! [emoji1]

And, of course, I hope you and Linus manage to stay together and be happy ;)

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