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So today was my last day of AP US History. Funnily enough I was pretty sad, and I almost cried, lol. I'm so lame. But all we did was eat and listen to music and play basketball with a little hoop hanging on his cabinet. :P My teacher ordered like 7 pizzas and we brought soda and stuff, and we just chilled and my teacher played basketball with the guys. And then at the end we drew random stuff on the whiteboard, stuff pertaining to the class, and our random inside jokes. (I know, a class has inside jokes?!? We've been together for an hour and a half everyday and we just bonded together like a family, even though we might at one point all hated each other, teacher included. :P I think at one point he didn't like us either, haha! But he seriously is the coolest).






^^Me and my friends at the board. I'm the one with the big orange purse and pink sweater. And sorry for the awkward pose, we were bending down so we could get a shot of the board! (Eww, I look gross)


Edit: Ugh Facebook is crapping out on me, so I will add other pictures of the board later!

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Hehe thanks! Here's some more of the board, haha.



^^Inside joke, he really doesn't hate dolphins. He once said how he 'thought they were stupid and deserved to die and get stuck in those nets' and everyone believed him! :lol:






FYI...Truman is my teacher's favorite president. Hence the sarcastic remarks about Truman sucking, hehe.













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I can't even keep track of all the inside jokes...it's weird. I probably have more inside jokes in that class than my own friends! :laugh3: I was too emotionally attached to this class. Still am, I guess. Man. Even looking at the board pictures now I just crack up.


Thanks Chavi!!!! :D

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ohhh leaving for college is painful. one of the hardest i've ever cried was on graduation. oh my god, we were all sobbing wrecks. we have this special thing at my school where we're all in the chapel for an hour before graduation just having a last moment together and thanking everyone, and it was one of the most traumatic yet beautiful experiences of my life.


ok, this is making me sad...i need to stop writing this :P

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^^ Well, I should be happy we dont have graduation or this kind of ceremony here in France, but i'm not really.. :( I wish we had a last moment to say goodbye and thanks !

I need to stop thinking about this too.. I should make some phone calls now :\

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I've got a mega stupid question....but do you think this pic looks stupid?Well I mean "banal" (does this word exist in english?) or something like that....?I mean I am looking into my lamp, but I liked it so I took it as my facebook profile piccie...and now I wonder if it is stupid...hahaha...oh my



sorry I'm bored as hell....:wacky:



so I started "playing" with pics...

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