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yeeeeeeeees :nice:

and did you notice it even had YELLOW in it?



Well I'm glad you eventually saw sense and took my advice!!:P


I'm thinking of wearing another dog blanket on sunday... but it is yet to be decided...


Well I'm sure you'll end up wearing one, because you're addicted to them!!:D

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Mark, all he said was "You said it"


She then said


"Not being arrogant or whatever, just to show u i dont have a shitty face like u do

Spoiler "





Really, learn to read. Or failing that, learn to stop reaching for straws. You're pulling this Nathan - you arguement out of your behind in 99% of the threads on this board, now.

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Mark, all he said was "You said it"


She then said


"Not being arrogant or whatever, just to show u i dont have a shitty face like u do

Spoiler "





Really, learn to read. Or failing that, learn to stop reaching for straws. You're pulling this Nathan - you arguement out of your behind in 99% of the threads on this board, now.


I don't want to be picking one side or another (if you can properly call it that). But I'm not buying this whole Nathan-is-the-devil stuff. Most stuff he's being provoked, and acting civil about it.

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Man, this world really needs peace and love.... even here, we're everybody has something in common and was supposed to make friends and have a good time... That's really sad.


Not really... just stupid people fighting over nothing... It happens... :D


A recent picture of me... looking tireseome... messy hair, not shaved, exams, blah.




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I cannot find my digi cam.. it has been MIA for awhile:(


so heres apic of my cat, lily




and a old pic of me(may have posted it when i took it like a year or so ago)




And Mark. I realized that people are starting to not be to fond of your little argument games. I think you are trying to get all of us to be against nathan, and its very immature. Reminds me of young kids..

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Really, learn to read. Or failing that, learn to stop reaching for straws. You're pulling this Nathan - you arguement out of your behind in 99% of the threads on this board, now.


Well it seems that you could do with some extra lessons in spelling and maths, then.;)

Anyway, as I've said previously, the fact he's your mate makes you unacceptably biased, as evidenced by your continual use of hyperbole. Therefore I will continue to take anything you say on the subject with a pinch of salt.;)

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And Mark. I realized that people are starting to not be to fond of your little argument games.


I would rather arguments on here weren't necessary. Anyone involved in them is equally at fault, including you.


I think you are trying to get all of us to be against nathan, and its very immature.


People will make up their own minds based on his behaviour. My opinion has nothing to do with it whatsoever. If you were unbiased, you would admit a lot of Nathan's behaviour has been immature, but obviously you're not.


Reminds me of young kids..


Ditto quite a few of your comments on the topic.;)

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I don't want to be picking one side or another (if you can properly call it that).


One of the things I appreciate about you is that your comments tend to be unbiased and reasonable, unlike some others'.;)


But I'm not buying this whole Nathan-is-the-devil stuff.


I don't think anyone's ever suggested that.


Most stuff he's being provoked, and acting civil about it.


With all due respect, there's a lot of stuff you've probably missed elsewhere.

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Oh mark, you sad little man.


I honestly did not abuse anyone in this thread, I agreed with her and then she called me ugly.


Why would luckycharms be biased towards me? I've not had a conversation with her once, the closest thing that came to one with her was me accusing her of showing off her cleavage, which is hardly going to win me any fans now is it?


Plus you can't just keep ignoring Jack's points purely on the basis that he is my friend and ignoring me on the basis that....you don't like me?


Oh and for the record, Simon made out like I was on par with Satan at several different points in time

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Well it seems that you could do with some extra lessons in spelling and maths, then.;)

Anyway, as I've said previously, the fact he's your mate makes you unacceptably biased, as evidenced by your continual use of hyperbole. Therefore I will continue to take anything you say on the subject with a pinch of salt.;)




What about luckycharms? She's not Nathan's mate. Neither is Ren or Lore. Or Briggins. He just said that he thought Nathan was provoked too.


It's cool, though. Because everyone is starting to realise exactly who is making this a much bigger issue than it ever was. Go ahead and start the arguements but as long as you're dragging this into a bazillion other threads, do you expect Nathan not to follow you?


If it was the other way around you'd probably be reporting him to admins for "bullying" you.

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Oh mark, you sad little man.


It's unnecessarily provokative comments like that which cause all the problems.



Why would luckycharms be biased towards me?


I have no idea, but her comments have all been ludicrously one-sided, so go figure.


Plus you can't just keep ignoring Jack's points purely on the basis that he is my friend


I can, and I will, as the situation hasn't changed.


and ignoring me on the basis that....you don't like me?


I haven't at any point said "I don't like" you. This has nothing to do with liking or disliking someone, only to do with certain actions/comments.



Oh and for the record, Simon made out like I was on par with Satan at several different points in time


That's between you and Simon. I never said I agreed with it.;)

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I don't want to be picking one side or another (if you can properly call it that). But I'm not buying this whole Nathan-is-the-devil stuff. Most stuff he's being provoked, and acting civil about it.


Hurray. I totally agree with you.

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What about luckycharms? She's not Nathan's mate.


Her comments have been ludicrously one-sided and "immature" (using one of her favourite terms).


Neither is Ren or Lore.


I'm not going to go over this again. This has all been covered and is hopefully at an end.


Or Briggins. He just said that he thought Nathan was provoked too.


As I've already stated on here, I respect the way Briggins goes about things, as he always states his opinions in a considered and non-inflammatory way.


It's cool, though. Because everyone is starting to realise exactly who is making this a much bigger issue than it ever was. Go ahead and start the arguements but as long as you're dragging this into a bazillion other threads, do you expect Nathan not to follow you?

If it was the other way around you'd probably be reporting him to admins for "bullying" you.


All of what you've said here is biased and ludicrously hyperbolical. You are obviously going to side with Nathan whatever he says or does, which just serves to prove my point about you.

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It's unnecessarily provokative comments like that which cause all the problems.




I have no idea, but her comments have all been ludicrously one-sided, so go figure.




I can, and I will, as the situation hasn't changed.




I haven't at any point said "I don't like" you. This has nothing to do with liking or disliking someone, only to do with certain actions/comments.





That's between you and Simon. I never said I agreed with it.;)



Aww c'mon mark :lol:

Stop making the arguments continue


Here's what im going to do...you see this kitten? His name is toby




he's a couple week's old and likes being tickled just under the belly..


If these arguments continue....I'm going to have to murder Toby! :rolleyes:


(Hopes people haven't seen the latest "Never Mind The Buzzcocks"....)


and Nathan is a nice guy..he recommended "Screenwipe" to me and i absolutely love it so he's alright in my book..

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Fun morning reading, folks!! ;)


Not really... just stupid people fighting over nothing... It happens... :D


A recent picture of me... looking tireseome... messy hair, not shaved, exams, blah.





you look so different from what i remembeeeer.

ok, maybe the fact that I have'nt seen a pic of you in a coupe of years probably has something to do with it..

but the messy-haired, tired, unshaved look suits you :nice: (weird compliment, i know).

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Aww c'mon mark :lol:

Stop making the arguments continue



They will stop when people stop making false, ludicrously-biased accusations.



and Nathan is a nice guy..he recommended "Screenwipe" to me and i absolutely love it so he's alright in my book..


Well of course, as you've not been targeted by him, you have no reason to think otherwise. If I was in your position, I would probably feel the same way.

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Aww c'mon mark :lol:

Stop making the arguments continue


Here's what im going to do...you see this kitten? His name is toby




he's a couple week's old and likes being tickled just under the belly..


If these arguments continue....I'm going to have to murder Toby! :rolleyes:


(Hopes people haven't seen the latest "Never Mind The Buzzcocks"....)


and Nathan is a nice guy..he recommended "Screenwipe" to me and i absolutely love it so he's alright in my book..


Jamiiiieeee, Keep Toby alive.

send him to me. :nice:

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