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Luckily a lot of people on here are reasonable, friendly and unbiased.;)


I know exactly, they are usually the ones you were calling biased 2 mins ago, who had issues with me and realised they were wrong and changed their mind, that is not biased


unless biased means "disagreeing with Mark" which it seems to in your case

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hahaha, I was merely stooping to your level of calling on some apparent support that doesn't seem to be around at the moment


I don't need "support". I can take care of myself, thanks.:smug:


But seriously, nobody likes you.


I think you would have a bit of a problem trying to substantiate that comment.

I would try sticking to facts, if i were you.................................. ;)

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guys if you want to discuss, ok, do it... but please do it in another thread... this one is for pictures... if any of you didn't like the other's comment, it's ok to say it but please not here... use for example the other thread which had the fight.. I don't know....

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guys if you want to discuss, ok, do it... but please do it in another thread... this one is for pictures... if any of you didn't like the other's comment, it's ok to say it but please not here... use for example the other thread which had the fight.. I don't know....


Or the Loung Games section :lol:

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They will stop when people stop making false, ludicrously-biased accusations



They'd stop if you'd stop trying to have the last word with each other.


Ignoring is not the answer at all and it's besides the point, I could use that very point on you about me. Rick has told me he has asked you to stop but you still do it.


Ignoring is the answer. Saves everyone else having to read all this crap in nice threads. and saves mods having to monitor every thread and move posts.



Seriously, where the heck is the arguing leading too? I mean, please someone tell me the outcome of what this is all aiming to achieve?


Mark won't change.

HorrificAttack won't change.


Theres nothing that can be done about it, so whats the point in arguing??


I am in no way taking sides with anyone, I just want this place to be for the most part happy again.



so does the majority. neither one of them has to change, they just have to not retaliate and try to provoke each other.






The "argument" seemed to be over in this thread anyway, what are you aiming to achieve with these posts?


its going to be over in every thread. I think you ought to both decide that you can't talk to each other in a civil manner, and agree not to comment on each other's posts if you can't say anything constructive or nice.

If it's too difficult for you to do that on your own, USE YOUR IGNORE BUTTON.

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Her comments have been ludicrously one-sided and "immature" (using one of her favourite terms).



Nathan and I are not friends, I barely know the fella, but im not anti nathan. I have admitted he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, but im saying YOU(mark) are bringing on the argument. You start it. And I dont think people are trying to pick sides, but you are making it kind of hard not to.


But how exactly am I supposed to be like Nathan your an asshole, when he hasnt done anything but deffent himself from your attacks?




All I wanna know.. is how this all started. How did this random arugment between you and nathan start?


and yes I have involved myself, but mark, im quite sure you like the arguments. You wouldnt post attacks or random marks against nathan or anyone *such as rick sometimes as nathan has said* if you werent looking for an argument.

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Ignoring is the answer. Saves everyone else having to read all this crap in nice threads. and saves mods having to monitor every thread and move posts.


As long as something is done about any obscene and slanderous comments, I completely agree with this. If any of these appear in future, I shall report them in the appropriate manner, and hope they'll be dealt with accordingly.

I suggest that anyone else does the same.

None of the other stuff really bothers me, as it's obviously completely meaningless.

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Her comments have been ludicrously one-sided and "immature" (using one of her favourite terms).



Nathan and I are not friends, I barely know the fella, but im not anti nathan. I have admitted he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, but im saying YOU(mark) are bringing on the argument. You start it. And I dont think people are trying to pick sides, but you are making it kind of hard not to.


Just stay out of things and use the "ignore" button and there won't be a problem. If you involve yourself, you become part of the problem, so don't.


But how exactly am I supposed to be like Nathan your an asshole, when he hasnt done anything but deffent himself from your attacks?


Your perception is wrong, which is what I was saying about "bias".



and yes I have involved myself, but mark, im quite sure you like the arguments.


Completely untrue.


You wouldnt post attacks or random marks against nathan or anyone *such as rick sometimes as nathan has said* if you werent looking for an argument.


As I said before, any banter between Rick and myself has nothing to do with this whatsoever. Rick can also "ignore" me if he so wishes, but chooses not to.

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