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am SO not amused about the smart arse who posted on the SP FB page's post about Gary's latest Tumblr post (both of which he's now removed :thinking: )...declaring Gary is a pratt because he's a Man United supporter. :veryangry2: smart arse must be a frigging City/Liverpool supporter... :P

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am SO not amused about the smart arse who posted on the SP FB page's post about Gary's latest Tumblr post (both of which he's now removed :thinking: )...declaring Gary is a pratt because he's a Man United supporter. :veryangry2: smart arse must be a frigging City/Liverpool supporter... :P

Dunno nothing about UK footy so I'm not taking side! :lol:


As for the deleted tumblr posts, you can find them here:








The Elephant is sure quite disturbing :lol:

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for those who can't see the video Gary's linked to, it's a video of Perfume Genius performing Never Did live in a studio recording setting.

I couldn't open the video, so thanks for posting the link Kimmi! Hauntingly beautiful indeed! <3


They're just starting working....I mean really working...the next few weeks will be exciting!!!!

Things are about to get wild! :P :lol:


20 songs for 1 album is rather much...but i guess it's like you said. it's probably including B-sides. tho this also means that it might take a while still before this album's done. unless they suddenly go into overdrive & finish up on the other 10 songs by the end of the month. :thinking:

^This. 10 songs mean a LOT of work to do, so it may take a while. So I guess no hope left to see them playing a festival this summer, huh? :(


btw, i remembered that this was mentioned to me a few weeks ago...at a Man United game, no less...but anyone know about SP having any plans to play in Wembley sometime this year? cos i certainly didn't see anything about that...would think playing at Wembley's a big enough plan to announce on the website...?

That's odd... maybe opening for another band...?


As for the deleted tumblr posts, you can find them here:








The Elephant is sure quite disturbing :lol:

Why were the posts deleted? The pictures are beautiful, as usual! And the elephant is... really... weird :lol:

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am SO not amused about the smart arse who posted on the SP FB page's post about Gary's latest Tumblr post (both of which he's now removed :thinking: )...declaring Gary is a pratt because he's a Man United supporter. :veryangry2: smart arse must be a frigging City/Liverpool supporter... :P


So he is Man Utd fan. I was their huuuuuge fan back in my early teens when I was obsessed with football. Now days I have no idea what's going on there.

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I couldn't open the video, so thanks for posting the link Kimmi! Hauntingly beautiful indeed! <3



Things are about to get wild! :P :lol:



^This. 10 songs mean a LOT of work to do, so it may take a while. So I guess no hope left to see them playing a festival this summer, huh? :(



That's odd... maybe opening for another band...?



Why were the posts deleted? The pictures are beautiful, as usual! And the elephant is... really... weird :lol:

could be for another band...tho i can't think of any band playing in Wembley anytime soon. other than Take That & Foo Fighters. highly doubt they'd be supporting Take That & it's Biffy Clyro who are supporting the Foos. so am drawing a blank there.


& i think the posts were deleted cos of smart arse comments...?

the 2nd removed post clarifying about the elephant sounds rather defensive imo. in which case i take it he really does read the comments to a certain extent...&, from the looks of it, isn't happy with some of what he's read so far. :inquisitive:


tho i do also note that so far all the posts he's removed are "road trip" related... :thinking:



So he is Man Utd fan. I was their huuuuuge fan back in my early teens when I was obsessed with football. Now days I have no idea what's going on there.

nowadays, Man United just got beaten on Saturday by Wolves...so it's all over the papers here cos the bottom team in the EPL right now beat the top team. & that pretty much ended Man United's unbeaten run this season. which is why i'm even less amused than usual about seeing that smart arse comment assessing Gary based on which team he supports.


+ there's a pair of brothers from Belfast who are both playing for the club. but then, we traditionally have had quite a few Irish players & he knows about the rivalry with Liverpool. so he may not be supporting the club just for the Evans brothers.




& you can probably tell that i haven't really grown out of my football obsession still... :dozey:

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am SO not amused about the smart arse who posted on the SP FB page's post about Gary's latest Tumblr post (both of which he's now removed :thinking: )...declaring Gary is a pratt because he's a Man United supporter. :veryangry2: smart arse must be a frigging City/Liverpool supporter... :P


I KNOW! What the hell was up with that? He's incredibly intelligent BECAUSE he's a Man U supporter. It makes me happy to know Gary and I support the same team. :D


He probably was. :dozey: They don't have any.... well... intellect, those City and Liverpool supporters.

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oooh...new post! & a photo of himself playing what looked like a briefcase (to me anyway...seriously)...& totally rocking the beach dude look. skinny legs & shaggy mop of hair & all. :D :wacky:


After so long, there's a picture of himself in his Tumblr!


That was what i thinking when i saw the pictures, briefcase instrument?! :laugh3::laugh3:

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Ok, two posts this morning AND garrett + Gary recording pics.... :awesome:


oooh...new post! & a photo of himself playing what looked like a briefcase (to me anyway...seriously)...& totally rocking the beach dude look. skinny legs & shaggy mop of hair & all. :D :wacky:

+1000000000000000000 Forget the stiffy suit for showtime gL, put on the beach look XD!!


But seriously girls, this need to be posted.... :D




This songs looks good....I wonder what kind of sound those instrument make (well, we know dulcitone but the other??? I love his description "mewing of an old contented cat after a big feed".... :lol: ) Plus, bathroom recording! I love it when artists record in the strangest places, it always give such a distinctiv accoustic and sound...Can't wait to hear that!


And the pic of the ladybird!! (thx gL, now I know how to say "coccinelle" in english :lol: ) It's funny cause sunday, I found one in my flat (that I release outside)...so odd at that time of year! It's the third one I find for the last few months...wonder how they get in!! I don't think that my dying bamboo attracted them...lol

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I like how there's like, six Garys in that photo. :wacky:

One for each of us :P :lol:


I put a gL/Peter ITV in the TP thread, they said they will make a sort of documentary with the London and LA shows (+recording sessions)... :dance:

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New post and sky pic again.... XD It's good that he, himself, is aware of this obsession


right, there are way too many pictures of sunsets on this tumblr already




gL, if I can suggest a title for the new album: "California sky" seems right XD

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New pic!!!!!


From the oustide of the studio! LOVE the Darth Vader kite XD But gL says it's Jonnys..... :thinking: shouldn't it be Nathans?! He's the one obsessed with Star wars and collecting stuff....

And I'm starting to feel a bit better about the new record reading this


jim, neil and joe from Polydor/Fiction came to visit today to hear what we’re doing with they’re money. they were buzzing when they left so that’s always encouraging. it’s coming on nicely. our most insane but best record yet, i knows it.gL


:awesome: bring it on boys!!!!

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New pic!!!!!


From the oustide of the studio! LOVE the Darth Vader kite XD But gL says it's Jonnys..... :thinking: shouldn't it be Nathans?! He's the one obsessed with Star wars and collecting stuff....

And I'm starting to feel a bit better about the new record reading this




:awesome: bring it on boys!!!!


Nathan is the most Star Wars & Vader obsessed one in the band, but Pablo collects Star Wars figurines too (his own words back in Bristol) & among the guys, Tom reckons Jonny's the "Darth Vader" of the band. so that kite being Jonny's makes sense, actually.


wonder if that kite's used for kite surfing since they're by the beach...or just plain kiting? :cool:


great to hear the album's coming along nicely. tho i'm going to try my best not to get my hopes up way too high, lest i be sorely disappointed when the time comes.

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New post!!! Beautiful sea pic! I love what he said:


am not putting up pictures of a glistening, emerald sea to say ‘na na na na na’ but simply because it is in front of me. monkey see, monkey do.





more power to this guy. fitter than i. freer than i. more in tune with nature than i. smarter than i though? well, he’s out in shark infested waters for three hours with nothing to power him but well, him. i’m indoors playing guitars and eating cakes.




Gary, please never change!

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