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The Snow Patrol Thread


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Thanks, I don't feel so desperate anymore :P


It'll be cheesy for sure... but that won't' bother me that much; I'm way too biased :facepalm:

I guess the 6th season was better than the 7th (storyline) but I liked the whole Cristina thing in season 7!


No, I read that it'll air in two weeks (or at least towards the end of March)!

You're right and I'll say it once more: GA has the best soundtrack! :D

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Thanks, I don't feel so desperate anymore :P


It'll be cheesy for sure... but that won't' bother me that much; I'm way too biased :facepalm:

I guess the 6th season was better than the 7th (storyline) but I liked the whole Cristina thing in season 7!

It was nice to see Cristina desperate for once but the only thing that keep me is the trio: Dreamy/Steamy/Hunt (and Alex) and now the Teddy/cute sick thing. But the rest.... :facepalm:


No, I read that it'll air in two weeks (or at least towards the end of March)!


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^I posted that same pic on facebook this morning... :D

Happy St. Paddy's! :D


And we got the new tumblr. :D

I'm sure boys will have few Guinness's today! :D :D :D


limmy's show

so i’ve come late to this party as limmy’s show is two seasons in on bbc tv back home but i’m so glad i made it in the end. we’ve been watching youtube clips for the last week or so. most of the ones you’ll find under the name limmy’s show are very funny but this one (featuring my favourite character of his, Dee Dee) is my favourite. those of you outside of scotland might have some trouble understanding the thick Glaswegian accent thickened further by Dee Dee’s perpetual stoned haze. anyone who thinks this character is far-fetched or even over blown i lived in glasgow for ten years and knew some guys who got on just like this. ha. that’s part of what i love about it, it’s nostalgic for me as well as very funny. some of you though simply won’t understand what on earth he’s on about. this might help: http://www.urbandictionary.com/. no offence though, it took me a while living there before i got it all. it is though the best. accent. ever!


so then, welcome to Limmy, our new hero.x



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happy st. patrick's day everyone!


oh btw, i just watched a movie called "just go with it" this evening and i believe it's still a recent movie in the theatre.. well anyways, i found out at the ending of the movie, it suddenly played a song that i recognized, which is this band!


i know maybe i was too late to know about the remix of this song with the police.. but their songs are very well-turned played at the same time together like this [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__3McxusO7Y]YouTube - Snow Patrol vs The Police - Every Car You Chase (PartyBen Mi[/ame]


now i really love snow patrol more and more :D

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happy st. patrick's day everyone!


oh btw, i just watched a movie called "just go with it" this evening and i believe it's still a recent movie in the theatre.. well anyways, i found out at the ending of the movie, it suddenly played a song that i recognized, which is this band!


i know maybe i was too late to know about the remix of this song with the police.. but their songs are very well-turned played at the same time together like this


now i really love snow patrol more and more :D

YES!!! I noticed that too, it's even on a scene in the movie! I was kinda sleeping in front of it but when the song started I was :awesome: But don't really understand why they did such a mash-up... :thinking:

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YES!!! I noticed that too, it's even on a scene in the movie! I was kinda sleeping in front of it but when the song started I was :awesome: But don't really understand why they did such a mash-up... :thinking:


me too! i was kinda of like recognizing this song better than the police.. then realized that somebody has done these 2 songs with the mashups.. it's a very great song though and i have to admit that.. :)


I lived in Glasgow for a year and I still have trouble understanding the accent. :dizzy:.


haha.. it takes so much time to understand foreign people's accent. i've been living in the US for 1 and a half years and english really takes time to me as i'm still practicing.. so dont worry about it, you'll be fine cause we have the same page :D

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haha.. it takes so much time to understand foreign people's accent. i've been living in the US for 1 and a half years and english really takes time to me as i'm still practicing.. so dont worry about it, you'll be fine cause we have the same page :D


:D, Nice to know it's not just me. :nice:! Good luck with it! You'll understand it just fine in no time.

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I think accents are hard for anyone, especially if they are not in your mother tongue. For me, the scottish one is the worst! But sometimes I even have trouble understanding what people from Quebec say XD It's the same language but their accent + the difference of vocabulary+ the speed at which they're talking make it hard to get sometimes XD!


but back on topic, no news from gL....hope the boys are busy creating! :D



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happy st. patrick's day everyone!


oh btw, i just watched a movie called "just go with it" this evening and i believe it's still a recent movie in the theatre.. well anyways, i found out at the ending of the movie, it suddenly played a song that i recognized, which is this band!


i know maybe i was too late to know about the remix of this song with the police.. but their songs are very well-turned played at the same time together like this


now i really love snow patrol more and more :D


Party Ben!!! :D


first heard that particular Party Ben mashup on a Singapore radio station, actually. my sis & i were like "oooh! The Police! haven't heard this song in ages!" then when Gary's voice kicks in we were like "eh??? Chasing Cars???"...were totally expecting it to not really work, but it does. & it sounds good, imo. :)


anyway, if you go to Party Ben's website, you can d/l this mashup in mp3 format & he also did an interview about his mashup being used in the movie. see the 21st Feb blog entry at http://www.partyben.com/


i remember he also has a radio clip where an Irish DJ tries to get a reaction from Nathan about the mashup...& he didn't sound all too impressed/pleased with it. oops. :dozey: http://www.partyben.com/20070706.html

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OUr Lightbody is BAAAAAAAAAAACK :dance: and with two posts!!


One with a photo of Bradley <3 and one with a song he likes at the moment (well, I don't like it :/)


I leave you with some gL wisdom...: "may the pelicans of happiness carry you in their giant mouths to safety"gL



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i liked the song! it's got a rather "getho" sound tho...did i even spell that right??? :dozey:

but i have to admit that he does have some pretty far out tastes in music outside of the guitar music genre that i sometimes find myself struggling to get into... :P

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new tumblr.


so this guy is peter mcCauley from round my neck of the woods. well, lisburn but one place ain’t far from another in northern ireland. to put it in context: northern ireland is 5345 sq miles in area. the state of california alone (forgetting about the size of the US), where i am now, is 158706 sq miles. we live in a small, small country. if you think about it though, given that, we give a whole heap to the world for a place our size: louie macneice, seamus heaney, cs lewis, george best, van morrison, the undertones, ash and more besides. but the thrilling thing about our wee country now is the wealth of bands appearing in all four corners of the provence. RAMS is one to watch for sure, in fact i think he may be the next big thing to break from our country but check out also: foy vance, robyn g shields, kowalski, panda kopanda, the lowly knights, burning codes, cashier no. 9, panama kings, general fiasco, two door cinema club and a bunch even newer than them that have no doubt formed and made extraordinary music in the time i’ve been away from home. check out the oh yeah website for details of ‘the contenders’ cds for evidence of that. love music, love life. one and the same.gL

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