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He posted a video he made!!!!!!!!!! (of a sunset XD) Music by Phoenix (I feel proud everytime he praise them :p)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKvsliwkODs]YouTube - malibu sunset[/ame]


<3 good way to end the week, thx gL!

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i do wonder if he was drunk when he posted that one about the coffee + tequila coffee liquor...tho now i'm quite fancying that myself (it's gotten unexpectedly cold here). :P


& i didn't realise he posted another one! he's on a roll this week! :D




EDIT: watched it! frigging brilliant choice of song by the man! ...& btw, cos it's April Fool's Day today, you can watch his video in 1911-mode. :cool: ...& oh dear! i laughed so hard! YouTube thinks he posted a song by the Pilates Music Ensemble!!! *rotfl...still* :facepalm: :laugh3:

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He posted an ode to a telephone pole today XD (he's quite right about the cell phone though...) I don't know how he can make that touching! Brilliant!


I watched the Grey's A episode and it was quite dull. I found the CC rendition too cheesy as I said already.

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I love the wooden frog!!! I saw people selling them on "artisanal" markets here. It makes a funny sound, it's a nice toy for kids :) As for the song, I can't wait :bomb:


awww...poor wooden frog. banished outside for a cheeky comment about Gary's arse. :P


they're quite common around Asia tho...with the general idea being that they "croak" when you rub its back with the wooden baton thing. tho i'd never think to use that sound in a rock song! haha :D

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I have a story to tell you about my favorite Snow Patrol song. I need to tell someone, and you guys and gals get it. The story is about "Please Just Take These Photo's From My Hands". Upon first listen I fell in love with this song, and today I just fell even harder for it.


The yellowed page of the books and books

I'd forgotten that I had

These paperbacks, they know their age they smell

Of weight and time that's resting warm


The opened box beside the endless box parade

That haunts my house

Is fit to split with photographs that tell

The wanderlust of years smashed on to years


These two verses are obviously telling of how he like most people have stowed things away, in a closet or attic and the have been out of sight and out of mind. Until he stumbles upon them one day.


A little back story here. Me and my girlfriend broke up a while ago (About two months) and I was in love with this girl. She was the girl I wanted to spend my entire life with. However things weren't always good between us. I have been battling personal demons for a long time and I do not do well in relationships.


I have a lot of memories with her and cherish them a lot. However much like the guy in the song I have stowed them away in all the hurt of life. I had forgotten them until today and found a box of old Yearbooks (or Annuals). I started looking at the pictures of her, and us. It hit me like a train much like the guy in the song.


I read your name under words in your elegant hand

You probably don't mean now

I fold the letter and think of a million

And one thing's that I could have done different


This verse is the one that completely sums everything up in two sentences. I read her comment under her hand. Which set me to think of everything I messed up, how I blame myself for a lot of thing in the relationship and I feel I destroyed it. I feel I could write down a million things I could have done differently.


When all this actual life played out

Where the hell on earth was I?

I rack my brains but it won't come


Through water damaged bloodshot eyes

The fleeting triumphs, brazen lies

All seem to mingle into one


Due to the depression and all the personal issues, I was and still kind of am a bit of a recluse. So when a lot of events happened I tended to not go, or if I did wasn't at all there. In fact I left prom due to my own selfishness. I rack my brain as to why I acted so childish and I knew what I was doing at the time but didn't care about my actions.

One gigantic fairy tale

Of friends I haven't seen in years

Drinking till the daylight hurts


You seem friendly, who are you?

That's a lot of wine that we got through

We've made playtime look like work


Remembering upon the better times and how I should have focused on the fun in life and not the hard stuff.


This song is a flood of emotions for me, sorry if my thoughts go over the map. This song has just hit me like a tone of bricks. I sit here and think of how I had it all, and now I'm looking to move forward in life, however I feel I will always hold a special place for her. However, I hope I have learned what I needed to from this.


I will listen to this song as my plane flys away from Vancouver towards Glasgow...and only look back when I need to.

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