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The Snow Patrol Thread


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i really wanna know what's the banter leading up to the song. can see just at the start that he was pointing at his back with a wide grin on his face & the crowd all cheering. :bomb:


& i bet he'll be watching the big game next weekend...United the underdogs for once!




edit: silly me wasn't paying close enough attention. he said "thank you Javier for the title!" at the very beginning! :wacky:

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finally! some news about how's the album coming along!


sounds promising..."almost finished" according to Nathan! :D


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcI6BU61vyE]Entrevista Snow Patrol[/ame]


(i don't know Mexican/Spanish tho...so had to guess what the questions were...with the exception of that one about "futbol" ;) )

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^^ yeah! always had this impression that Nathan looks perpetually stoned out. but he's looking kinda fresh faced here, despite the obvious eye bags. nice new look. :)


Yeah, I heard that! Ooh how fun it'd be to watch the final with Gary. :wacky::P

indeed! kinda imagine he's the type who'd get all animated watching a football game...arms flailing & all when Man Utd miss a chance at goal & hands in the air & giving out big hugs all around when the lads score/win. hehe (i might be wrong tho... :P)


anyway, another video from Mexico...13mins of SP goodness! & i think whoever compiled the video did a great job with the editing. ah, it's great to see the guys in action again...loving that big dorky grin on Gary. have missed it. :wacky: :wacky: :wacky:

...tho he's running kinda late with those behind-the-scenes posts while on tour on his Tumblr. or were those 2 posts it already? :thinking:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8f-PtTTRpc]Snow Patrol May 15th 2011 Mexico City[/ame]

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Thx!! I relalised while I was watching that I was clapping in front of my laptop just as the crowd was :laugh3: They all look in fantastic form and to enjoy every minute of it as usual! Tom has cut his hair too: FINALLY!!! And I couldn't help grinning stupidly everytime gL was smiling... :rolleyes:

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New posts on Tumblr. Lot of pics...

Cool Thx!!


And Pablo looks OH SO AMAZING!!! :dead:

:o it took me 30 sec to recognize him!! I was like 'hum...that dude face near Gary looks familiar....:stunned: shit, it's PABLO!!!!'

And heelloooooooo Pablo :wink3:


So cool to see lovely Richard with them :)

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hmmm...maybe i should whinge more. if that's what it takes to get him going with his posts. haha

either that or i'll make a wager that he'll post on the day of or a day after the Champions League final game this weekend...since there seems to be a slight pattern of him posting shortly following a Man United game.


but nonsense self-thought-up conspiracy aside, it's great to see a flood of posts from him after the silence once they got to Mexico. but seriously Gary, that is like a series of unfortunate events relating to just 1 camera. :P

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Plus a pic!

so i have been off line for a few weeks. here’s a picture from the u2 mexico shows. we sure did love mexico. the crowds were incredible for us. it was amazing fun.


the album will be finished this week and therefore very likely to be out this year. am so happy with it. it’s different but it’s great. even if i do say so myself. can’t wait to get in out to you guys.


love and elephants..




ITSSSSSS gonna be finished this week! :D Why dont we get the album in a month or two? This year could mean in December. I hope not. I hope its gonna be soon! This summer! :)

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Plus a pic!



ITSSSSSS gonna be finished this week! :D Why dont we get the album in a month or two? This year could mean in December. I hope not. I hope its gonna be soon! This summer! :)


It's kinda vague this year can be means. But it does not really matter, waiting is killing me though. At least it's gonna be in this year, I believe it's soon!! :laugh3::P

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hah! 1 day after Man Utd's Champions League final game! well...allowing for time differences anyway.


great to know it's going to be completed so soon! still thinking it'll be an autumn release. perhaps late summer at the earliest. can't wait, either way! :D :dance:

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i wouldn't count on that too soon...given that Gary has said it will sound different & even Nathan's said that some songs are only recognisably SP cos of Gary's voice. i hope that it'll be different in a good creative way, as he's been trying to assure us in the most ambiguous way possible anyway.


but i'd be VERY happy if they DO NOT go down the "theme costume"/"DIY fashion" look route for their live gigs. like ever. :thinking:

it'd be

1) not very original (Coldplay's clearly doing that these days)

2) quite cheesy & very un-SP (seriously, can any of you even begin to think of Gary going all Bono/Memphisto/The Fly? *cringe*)

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's TERRIFIED for this new CP single.


Snow Patrol doesn't seem to be doing this whole blatant lyrics thing. And they're not dressing in silly outfits and promoting things badly. I think it'll be a while before we have to be nervous about their releases.




I'm so nervous for Friday. But anyway, back to the amazing Snow Patrol. :wacky:.

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I'm not afraid of 'changes' (SP or CP)....they always say that (last SP album or VLV) but even if it was 'different', you still can sense the SP/CP vibe so personnally, I trust my men :smug:


The boys have change their twitter image profil...LOL




I wonder who's winning?!! :sneaky:

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