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Post piccies of the sexy Mr Berryman..


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OMG. :lol: Everything is good! My bro should be making his way back home from the army on the 28th. We're so excited! He'll be out for GOOD this time.


How have you been? :kiss:


sorry, got offline without telling you. :(

hey, your bro back!really good news!

but was he in iraq? o.O



I've been good just a bit tired...

Hmm.. I need to download AIM again :wideeyed:

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^Haha, you must... Oh, that shirt is a chocolate-flavored killer. :wink3:


Yeah, my bro was in Iraq for a year. :shame: He got back to the US last November though! And now he'll finally be coming back to California from North Carolina. We're all so anxious it's crazy.


But you know what... when he was over in Iraq, he was in a gym one day and he heard Speed of Sound and thought of us! :lol: How awesome is that.


Carol, should you even be AWAKE right now?! :lol: :lol:

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Thanks guys!


They may not go to SA this tour... but like I said, this petition started by their fans is like reassurance!


Kitty, my family's hearts go out to all the troops over there... Here's to a safe return home. :kiss:

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