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the who owns what consoles / computers thread


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PC (P4 2.8GHz, 512MB RAM, 80GB HD, GeForce 4, DVD-ROM, CD-RW, 15"TFT Monitor, SoundBlaster Audigy, Windows XP Home)


PC (AMD K6-2 500MHz, 320MB RAM, 10GB HD, Voodoo3, LG DVD-ROM, LG CD-RW, 15" CRT LG Monitor, Windows ME) - this one's proper buggered, I need to reinstall Windows every 2 weeks cos it just goes crazy every so often.




Sega Saturn

Sega Megadrive

Sega Game Gear

Nintendo Gameboy

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i had that one man

the big grey one with the green screen


i had this ninja turtles game

it was dope


oh i had a sega genesis but someone broke in our house and stole it!

and i've got a playstation 1 that rattles when you pick it up


haha ninja turtles! that was such a great game.

I remeber i used to go to the arcade to play the ninja turtles arcade game when i was 7. good times.

I only have three or four gameboy games. Tetris (so boring), lemmings (even more boring), metroid (kinda cool) and mario land 2 (awesome)


I wish i had a playstation 1, cos the pirate games are so cheap here.

you can buy games for U$3.

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PC: showsigsarefornoobs0lx.jpg (thats my music and gaming pc:))

PC2: Pentium3 800mhz Geforce4 4200ti 140gb HD 512mbram

PC3: AMD Athlon XP 1,7ghz 512mbRAM geforce3 80GB HD

Laptop: Intel Celeron 1,2ghz 20gb HD 128MBram

Creative Zen Touch Mp3player




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