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Turin Brakes


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i was hoping someone can help me here - as you know im a big radiohead fan and i do have quite a good collecton of RH bootlegs all except one " PAINKILLER " which im having trouble finding . so if you know of a site or fttp which may have this i would be most greatful . id even do a trade for it too if you happen to have it .

you can pm me or email with any details if possible .


thanks - chris




HTTT :sneaky:

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thanks guys for the links - looks like we both found the same ones . well for those who read my first post , can download this gig at the link below



****** Radiohead - Painkiller Bootleg ******



15-06-1995: Palace, Hollywood, USA

the bends


anyone can play guitar

high & dry

planet telex

fake plastic trees

my iron lung


stop whispering

04-08-1995: 99x at Cat's Paw Studio, Atlanta, USA

street spirit


bullet proof


subterranean homesick alien [uptight]

fake plastic trees

18-12-1995 Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles USA

nobody does it better




download Painkiller Bootleg here http://www.radiohead-notforprofit.t2u.com




HTTT :sneaky:

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winrar is just like winzip , a compression tool , i personaly think winrar is ace !

once you have downloaded the painkiller rar file , and have installed winrar just click on painkiller rar to extract it to a folder of your choice then you can play the files in your fav media player .



HTTT :sneaky:

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wait what

how do i put painkiller in a folder with the songs inside of it

maybe this doesnt make sense but everything is downloaded

and i double click on painkiller.rar and then what


OK - Follow these steps


1 , install winrar

2, make a folder call it whatever you want - maybe pk

3, click on the painkiller file you just downloaded

4 , winrar will open and show the extracted files in a folder

5, click extract files to the folder you made earlier

6. winrar will now extract all the audio files from the painkiller file to the folder you made .

7, close winrar and now open the folder were winrar as extracted the files to . and hey presto there are all the audio files ready to play or burn .



hope this helps you listen to this great bootleg :cool:



HTTT :sneaky:

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Hey Radiohead fans, i think you'll like this one:


There's a radiohead hub, (thanks for telling me about it, mlink), it's: radioheadlive.no-ip.org

you need a program called Dc++ to go there. This program is pretty easy to find, install and use. Just search for dc++ on google, install it and join the radiohead hub using the adress i posted. There are tons of fans there sharing like, every single radiohead boot avaiable.

Oh, and you might want to join the coldplay hub. it's the best, they have like, +100 coldplay gigs there (yea, i'm serious):


Also, check this site and read the hub rules and commands: http://gexus.com/coldplaylive/main.html

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