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Ohh ! I can not manage that much fun when I am by myself... there is always a short coming. ! :lol3:


The football is really boring me... !


Tell me when u get passed the 3rd level and remember to make sure the sound is turned up.. !

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haha, it's okay.


By the way, I spoke to Ari on Friday, and she isn't coming here that much as she used to because she's taking exams these weeks. Also she told me she didn't attend some lectures so she is afraid she might fail some of them.... and that's why she doesn't come on here that much.

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hiya :D how are you all doing my friends? :kiss: :nice:


there are many changes here i see :stunned:


user groups/ friends lists, user profile messages... :confused:

i'm lost, can anybody explain me that a bit. :idea2:


i feel like a newbie now :embarassed:


i'm on exams now that's why i hardly come here... just did a Law exam today :dead:


yesterday I bought VLVORAAHF :smug: was a bit surreal as i got to the shop the music was being played there but i did found the cd on the shop :stunned:


i'm listening to it no :dance: (no headphones)


DF news... i've found an article on italian press, but i looked for info about him liks 4 days ago... and my dad has burnt a cd with the two albums of him and S4 that i own and is playing it on our car all the time :D (he rocks, my dad :dance: )


I had talked with our practices teacher and she will get me practices for this summer (july-mid august) and then in september - november. ... so as i fear to... i won't have the marvellous summer that i wanted to. :\ ... i'll try to attend to some La Mar concerts here anyways and in august we'll see. :)


the good news is that i try to take some break of studying to play keyboard-piano and my classic guitar. (i hope that i'll get my electric one soon), i need some 'complements' for my guitar, but i get to play things that sound as them should sound, :P still i need to improve with the chords to get that my figers get more used to the right positions and stuff. :) but i got to play some easy melodies too both with piano and guitar, is just like a training but is a good sign i think. :)


i'm on the mood to retake the stories that i've been working on the last year, i went today to the library to try to get some books to check somethings for this genre of literature that is 'new' to me but they didn't had the books i was looking for :\



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Ari... I know nada as well about the new features... I guess we will learn as we go along... !



glad you got it... I have also downloaded the gig from London..


I never bumped into Chris, and the boys yesterday.. I guess next time when they come to Barcelona they will come for a drink.


They are in the newspaper today .. the Lavagura ( I have spelt it wrong.) I am not sure if the paper is sold in Murcia. Its good... write up and review of the concert by what I understand...


COLDPLAY VIVE BARCELONA the articale is called.

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Ari... I know nada as well about the new features... I guess we will learn as we go along... !



glad you got it... I have also downloaded the gig from London..


I never bumped into Chris, and the boys yesterday.. I guess next time when they come to Barcelona they will come for a drink.


They are in the newspaper today .. the Lavagura ( I have spelt it wrong.) I am not sure if the paper is sold in Murcia. Its good... write up and review of the concert by what I understand...


COLDPLAY VIVE BARCELONA the articale is called.

which gig from London? where? :huh:


:( aww sorry or that i really hoped that you were going to go there :(

next time then :)


La Vangauardia, i've found and read the article online (i know that this newspaper is given for free here in our museum (that is near my house :uhoh: )


the article is here.


btw how are you doing Daryl? :)


i hope i'll come later, i'm not sure. :\ have a nice week you all :kiss:

i'll be busy with exams and all that... :dead:

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ooh, that's true, I didn't notice of that.


I suppose that Ian's making some changes to the board... and that we all will have our flags again. Well, at least I hope so! :)


Yeah, it seems that it has finally come! This morning I've been handing in some CVs in some chemist's and yeah, I ended up being quite hot and sweaty. However, I still have a blanket on my bed.

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