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Yeah I didn't care for Alfonso Cuaron's interpretation of POA at all. Like the dementor scenes...it made you think they were giving him the kiss on the train and on the quidditch pitch, a lot of it was so over-the-top. Oh...I also hated what they did with the knight bus. I mean WTH was up with the stupid talking head and all the lame comedy. The intro after he ran from the dursleys didn't follow the book at all. And some of the parts like with the choir and all ddn't really fit. In many ways it was a step up from chamber of secrets but it could've been much better.



BTW, I had a lot of fun exploring this the other day... http://www.cosforums.com/showthread.php?t=117938 It uses pictures, scripts and information about the HBP movie to give a sort of scene by scene account. pretty cool I thought, that you get to look at the script... Might I add this film looks very promising, all of the accounts from test screenings say it definitely improves on previous movies, and it seems that they're including all of the essentials that would make fans mad had they been left out. Only negative I've heard is that some people disliked the performance of Michael Gambon (dumbledore) during the cave scene.

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The Goblet of Fire seems to be the most satisfying, it has summed up the book better than the other movies.


I hated the Prisoner of Azkaban movie. It is my favorite book and the movie is very disappointing. For the "order of the phoenix," it seems incomplete but of course its understandable.


Yes I agree that POA is my least favorite movie and I LOVE the book. I don't know, I think it felt to choppy for me. Too many things were left unexplained.

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I'll go with "Hello"


WHich is your fav HP book and movie?


Hmm my fave book is Deathly Hallows, which is a great way to complete the series of course. My fave movie is Order of the Phoenix. It felt like it captured the feel of the book the best, even if a lot of stuff was cut out.

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Yes I agree that POA is my least favorite movie and I LOVE the book. I don't know, I think it felt to choppy for me. Too many things were left unexplained.


Yeah, I really hate the movie. I loved that part of the book because of Sirius Black. I also didn't like the werewolf appearance in the movie.

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While I really enjoy the movies, they are a lot of rammifications that they brought about. We already mentioned the disappearance of homemade harry potter fan sites, but there was also the blatant marketing of toy's and such based off the movie which I found really annoying (in one a commercial "lumos" was used to turn off the lights...) and because of the movies a lot of people and kids especially won't bother to read the books, and I'm always annoyed when people's first impression of a book comes from an inaccurate movie interpretation.


Also because of the movies I have a bad habit when reading the books, to look at the characters the way they are portrayed in the movie. While I had my own picture of what characters like Harry, Snape and Dumbledore etc. looked like before the movies, when I'm reading the dialogue I keep picturing Daniel Radcliffe and friends. I suppose having a visual aid like a movie leaves little to the imagination.

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The POA movie was just stupid, in one moment Harry hated Sirius and wanted to kill him and in the other he was like "Oh Sirius i love you so much, lets get married" :P Kidding, he was more "I wanna leave my uncle's house and go live with you"... Okay, Sirius is his godfather, but Harry had just discovered it!

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The POA movie was just stupid, in one moment Harry hated Sirius and wanted to kill him and in the other he was like "Oh Sirius i love you so much, lets get married" :P Kidding, he was more "I wanna leave my uncle's house and go live with you"... Okay, Sirius is his godfather, but Harry had just discovered it!


Yeah, there are some oddities in the POA movie, but Harry knew before the encounter that Sirius was his godfather from the time he overheard the teachers at 'the three broomsticks' . I think they left that out in the movie though.

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couple more random coldplay thoughts cause I'm bored...


1. In the Goblet of fire movie I think they got a little carried away in making the death-eaters look like the KKK, pointed hats and all. It was funny, and I get the similarities but it wasn't particularly creative or original.,,


2. The only character portrayal that I sort of dislike is Michael Gambon's portrayal of dumbledore. his manner, demeanor just seems like an inaccurate reflection of the real dumbledore IMO. He's loud, angry, aggressive...Particularly in Goblet of Fire, like when harry's name is drawn from the goblet...dumbledore is stern, he yells, in the back room he grabs harry and shakes him aggresively...not at all like the wise, soft-spoken airyness of dumbledore in the books...I've also heard reports that Michael Gambon's acting in the cave scene of HBP is weak and poorly researched. If I could replace any part of the cast it would probably be him.


3. I love it in HBP (book) how Rowling refers to the "rude hand gestures" Ron makes, while making it perfectly clear he's flipping people off. The giveaway was Mrs. Weasley saying "I'll glue your fingers together!" (or something like that). I thought it was really funny that she decided to incorporate said gestures.

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2. The only character portrayal that I sort of dislike is Michael Gambon's portrayal of dumbledore. his manner, demeanor just doesn't seems like an inaccurate reflection of the real dumbledore IMO. Particularly in Goblet of Fire, like when harry's name is drawn from the goblet...dumbledore is stern, he yells...in the back room he grabs harry and shakes him aggresively...not at all like the wise, soft-spoken airyness of dumbledore in the books...I've also heard reports that Michael Gambon's acting in the cave scene of HBP is weak and poorly researched. If I could replace any part of the cast it would probably be him.


Yesss, when i saw that scene for the 1st time i was like ":stunned: this is not Dumbledore!".

Man, i miss Richard Harris... He was phenomenal on the Count of Monte Cristo :(

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Yes I agree that POA is my least favorite movie and I LOVE the book. I don't know, I think it felt to choppy for me. Too many things were left unexplained.

I kind of liked it, at least it didn't leave out as much as the OOTP movie, longest book, shortest movie...



Snape's the soul of the movies.


I still think Voldemorts the best:P

You're both wrong. It's Hermione;)




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^ well the actress (whose name I'll pretend not to know) that plays her did say that X&Y was brilliant.......don't ask me how I know that.... *slinks off*

Oh you don't have to say her name, we all know it;)


And you must tell me how you know that! I love hearing any celebrities that compliment Coldplay, but if it's a celebrity that acts in movies I also love, it makes it all the better!

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Read it from an interview excerpt on a Harry Potter site...



What kind of music do you listen to?


This question kills me every time because I listen to so many different types of music, I promise. I listen to a lot of hip-hop at the moment. And then I like chilled out stuff-Coldplay's new album is brilliant. Damien Rice is great; I love John Mayer's new album. And then I like old stuff-Joni Mitchell, my mother and I listen to Celine Dion. The list goes on forever.


Interview date said 2006, so that would mean X&Y

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Read it from an interview excerpt on a Harry Potter site...



What kind of music do you listen to?


This question kills me every time because I listen to so many different types of music, I promise. I listen to a lot of hip-hop at the moment. And then I like chilled out stuff-Coldplay's new album is brilliant. Damien Rice is great; I love John Mayer's new album. And then I like old stuff-Joni Mitchell, my mother and I listen to Celine Dion. The list goes on forever.


Interview date said 2006, so that would mean X&Y

Coldplay AND John Mayer? She's got great musical taste!

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Read it from an interview excerpt on a Harry Potter site...



What kind of music do you listen to?


This question kills me every time because I listen to so many different types of music, I promise. I listen to a lot of hip-hop at the moment. And then I like chilled out stuff-Coldplay's new album is brilliant. Damien Rice is great; I love John Mayer's new album. And then I like old stuff-Joni Mitchell, my mother and I listen to Celine Dion. The list goes on forever.


Interview date said 2006, so that would mean X&Y



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