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Religious dilemma


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I'll be brief, I'm thinking about changing religion. Some time ago I did realise in the catholic church that I wasn't conecting with God there, all of the sudden everything in that room turned so ridiculous, mechanical and ritual with no life!!!


It didn't stop there, just starting thinking about Catholicism barbarities and outrages during human's history. Specially the feudal age. Then everything gets like without sense... The pope prays for victims and condemns terrible acts. Does he really do something useful? he's an older man who's sitting in his chair and a lot of people kneeling in front of him.


So it's just a though of changing religion. I've seen and read about Islamic stuff and I don't think their God is different to the Christian one. They're like people who make of their religion their live, not like the tipical and sometimes false catholic. They're loyal to their convictions!!


As I said is just a thought and wanted to share it with you



Have yourself a little merry Christmas :smiley:

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jinkies! I like the 'have yourself a little merry christmas' bit at the end! lol


I think its a good thing that at a young age you are questioning your religion... you should do some research and look at what 'faith' you feel the most 'connected' to... there's nothing wrog with questioning your faith.. the important thing is that you 'believe' in something. No matter what religion you are...



happy soul searching!

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jinkies! I like the 'have yourself a little merry christmas' bit at the end! lol


I think its a good thing that at a young age you are questioning your religion... you should do some research and look at what 'faith' you feel the most 'connected' to... there's nothing wrong with questioning your faith.. the important thing is that you 'believe' in something. No matter what religion you are...



happy soul searching!

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what about being plain protestant or something?


Oh, sounds well but I don't know if the Christian u're talking about are the same ones I know, such as one case I know of someone who's evangelical/Christian or something who destroyed all the Barbie doll of her daughter, or one who thought reading Harry Potter was something bad...


jinkies! I like the 'have yourself a little merry christmas' bit at the end! lol


I think its a good thing that at a young age you are questioning your religion... you should do some research and look at what 'faith' you feel the most 'connected' to... there's nothing wrog with questioning your faith.. the important thing is that you 'believe' in something. No matter what religion you are...


happy soul searching!


Very true Camille ;) this is good, a thread to incite people to question their lives and their convictions whatever they are

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Muse - Thoughts of a dying Atheist

I know the moment's near

and there's nothing we can do

look through a faithless eye

are you afraid to die?


It scares the hell out of me

and the end is all I can see


anyway, Charles, i think you're a moron for overlooking an entire religion just because a few people in it don't like Harry Potter.


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haha you want to turn Islamic?

have fun with Osama and gang.


wow could you be more ignorant.... :stunned:

are americans the only ones that fucking understand sarcasm or what?



amish people aren't terrorizing people

christians aren't killing themselves in the name of Allah

catholics aren't gassing thousands of innocent civilians

buddhists aren't flying jets into buildings


do you know who does that stuff kyle?

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so after studying religions, here's the breakdown of what I've learned. Basically all western religions teach the same ideals of being nice to people in general and having faith in a certain god. As for eastern religions, they mostly teach the ideas of harmony with yourself and your surroundings. Daoism, Buddhism, Shinto, etc... all teach inner peace through nature, your surroundings etc...

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are americans the only ones that fucking understand sarcasm or what?



amish people aren't terrorizing people

christians aren't killing themselves in the name of Allah

catholics aren't gassing thousands of innocent civilians

buddhists aren't flying jets into buildings


do you know who does that stuff kyle?


Saddam was secular, not religious.

Timothy McVeigh was Christian.

Ever heard of the IRA? You know, that group of Catholic extremists that would bomb British people?

How about the Crusades? Thousands of Christians were sent to war in the name of Christ.

Hitler wasn't Muslim.

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Haha :cool: in ur face mycdplayerisbroke


You forgot about the tortures of the Catholic church in the medieval age, burning innocent people as heretics and stealing money in account of salvation.

What about USA's president George Bush? he's catholic too and is sending millions of soilders to fight and invade other country illegally.

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lmao, charles needs kyle to fight his battles for him. pussy.


to review the evidence:

1) on september 11, 2001, more than 3000 americans were murdered in a savage terroist attack by MUSLIM extremists.


2) in october 2000, the warship USS cole was attacked by MUSLIM extremists.


3) in 1998, u.s. embassies in kenya and tanzania were bombed by MUSLIM extremists.


4) in 1996, a u.s. air force housing complex in audi arabia was bombed by MUSLIM extremists.


5) in 1995, five americas were killed by a car bomb set by MUSLIM extremists.


6) in 1993, the world trade center was bombed by MUSLIM extremists.


7) in 1988, another passenger jet was bombed by MUSLIM extremists.


8) in 1986, a west berlin discoteque frequented by u.s. soldiers was bombed by MUSLIM extremists.


9) in 1985, an italian cruise ship was seized and a 69 year old america was killed by MUSLIM extremists.


10) in 1983, the u.s. marine barracks in beirut was blown up by MUSLIM extremists.


11) in 1983 the u.s. marine barracks in beirut were blown up by MUSLIM extremists.


12) in 1982 the u.s. embassy in beirut was bombed by MUSLIM extremists.


13) in 1970 the u.s. embassy in iran was stormed and american embassy staff were held hostage for 444 days by MUSLIM extremists.


european barbaism baffles americans, since they look like us. but what defines western europe - as well as the american Left - is its aggressive secularism. though cathedrals galore, christianity is a thin membrane over the cultural and political instituions of europe. on the other hand, from the time the pilgrims landed in the new world, americans have been defined by their belief in god.

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:confused: God, when are u going to stop??

where do u get those dates from? ur fake stupid american-republican website??

That's stupid enough to concern. You're against a millennial religion ¿what has it done to you?

in 1993, the world trade center was bombed by MUSLIM extremists.


:confused: x 100


You're just so close minded enough to fervently believe ALL the fucking shit u find on the net. Your empty brain doesn't question about it!!! there's no certainty that information is true!

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