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Canada, eh?!


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I'm canadian... well can't say québec hehe québec is not a country LOL even if a lot of quebec people think so... XD but seriously I went a month and half to vancouver and I definitly prefer it to the quebec... XD so much more beautiful..


BTW pardon my english... it's not perfect... XD oh and i am brand new at coldplay stuff, but i'll learn fast ^^

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I'm canadian... well can't say québec hehe québec is not a country LOL even if a lot of quebec people think so... XD but seriously I went a month and half to vancouver and I definitly prefer it to the quebec... XD so much more beautiful..


BTW pardon my english... it's not perfect... XD oh and i am brand new at coldplay stuff, but i'll learn fast ^^


Hey bienvenue :P

Fais-toi en pas, on apprend vite l'anglais en postant sur le site :D

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Hey bienvenue :P

Fais-toi en pas, on apprend vite l'anglais en postant sur le site :D


c'est pas l'anglais qui me cause problème, je l'ai appris à l'âge de 8 ans, j'ai même été à Vancouver cet été pendant un mois et demi ;)


translation: English is not causing me any problem, I learned it when I was 8 years old. I even went to Vancouver summer 2009 for 1 month and half.


@Crests of Daylight thanks for the mood status ^^

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Or was it her guinea pig? Anyway, that's what she told me.





















































I'm not kidding.




























































...cake. :awesome:

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