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Do as I say, not as I do....


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Haha, silly man!




SHAME-FACED Alistair McGowan - caught out doing exactly what his TV advert on ID fraud says you shouldn't - admitted last night he had been very stupid.


Hours after the Mirror found a cache of personal details left in a bin bag outside his home, the impressionist said: "I'd like to thank the Daily Mirror for bringing this to my attention.


"It is embarrassing and will teach me to be more careful in the future."


McGowan, 40, added that it was "very important" to destroy material that contains personal information....

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Nope, theyre commercials now, everything over here is becoming Americanised.


8 years ago I moved from Canada to Ireland, and there was a limitless amount of terms I could have used that werent known in Ireland, simple ones being THE BATHROOM for christ sakes. Now I can say Gas Station, and Commercials too, Fast Food was a term thats only come in the last couple years.


The change has been phenominal, right now Great Britain and Ireland is basically the same as Canada and America.

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What was wrong with movies? Well we aint livin in the 40's ali :rolleyes: did they used to call them "scary moving pictures"?




i'm not being old fashioned :rolleyes: i just see language as a sense of identity and with people here talking more and more like americans everyday i feel we are losing ours a little

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Yeah I totally agree, but I was just referring to the actual example you used, Movies seems like it was always a term.


Or maybe Im wrong, what was used before it? Like, I remember we used to say we're going to "the pictures" but to see "a movie", hmmm...


All this language change has happened in the last like 5 years, I wonder what'll be like by 2010.

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well what i meant is that when we talk about what's on at the cinema my mates will say something like 'have you seen that movie?' where a year or two ago they would have said film, but yeah i agree! by 2010 people might be saying pants instead of trousers :uhoh:

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Cinema! DANGIT how did I not remember that word we still use it...


PANTS?! That'll be a very very very, scary world.


When I was an 8 year old canuck boy, I got slaughtered once for saying Pants, and god damnit thats the way things should be. People are even beginning to say Sweater, I want my ireland back... :cry:

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