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Your Impressions of X&Y After Hearing it all, Finally


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That's exactly how I felt after I first listened to the album. I was like wow! But then when the cd repeated I started to listen to the melodies and paying attention to the lyrics.


Seriously, I don't think they couldn't make a better album than "X&Y" at this time.


In my opinion, "Parachutes" is their best album to date. "X&Y" is in the same level as "Rush."

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Just listened to X&Y in its entirety and read back over this thread to relive the excitement of the new album. This has just filled my head with the fun filled happiness in Coldplay world over the past couple of years - X&Y is amazing. Can't wait for the 'advent calendar' style countdown to Album 4 now :D

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The start of this thread is amazing because its all saying 'Best work yet' and 'As good as Paracuthes'..


But if you look at threads now, its all 'X&Y was their dud', 'OMG! All that time for a dud' and 'This album is their let down, Coldplay just didn't live up to standards'.


BTW, I agree with Fixed, when the date is released I'm so totally making some kind of massive advent calender, I don't care if my friends think I'm weird when I say "OMG! Only 45 days until '42' is out"


I'm gonna get a few stares from that!

Note: I'm calling the new album 42 from now in, cus thats probably what it is going to be called

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The start of this thread is amazing because its all saying 'Best work yet' and 'As good as Paracuthes'..


But if you look at threads now, its all 'X&Y was their dud', 'OMG! All that time for a dud' and 'This album is their let down, Coldplay just didn't live up to standards'.



thats probably because there was so much excitement about a new album being out, i thought it was their best also:embarassed:. I'm sure it will initially be like that after the 4th one comes out

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its funny how opinions change over time. i thought X&Y was the best thing since sliced bread until i saw coldplay live a month later and then immersed myself in AROBTTH and parachutes. and my opinion of it was turned on its head.


but to me, as long as the album isnt total crap, not much beats the excitement of new material from a favorite band. as long as they dont go all gangsta rap or techno or completely electronic or abandon melody or something, im not going to hate it and im going to be able to appreciate it because its coldplay. its just a question of where LP4 falls in my ranking of coldplay works and in albums of all time. im hoping its high up there.

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It's funny because up until Christmas 2006, I had never actually heard X&Y in full (even though I had been listening to Coldplay since Jan '06). I went of this site and you could listen to music for free, but you couldn't download it and I would work me way through. I would go through phases, I would love this song, get bored listen to another song and until mum bought me X&Y for Christmas, I didn't even know that half the songs I had been listening to weren't even on the album...


I absolutely adored X&Y. But what is also funny is that I worked backwards, I went from X&Y to A rush, then to parachutes...then to B-sides and now I'm actually forbidding myself from listening to CP until the release date is announced (and then I'm taking one night and running through all the Coldplay music I have), so now, I'm listening to a lot of Radiohead...

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Most new fans love the album they discovered the band with the most. Mine was Parachutes, so I compare everything to that. If X&Y was your first, that's how you'll probably measure the band. I liked X&Y alot, but it strayed from the sound I liked the most. (Funny, since several of you have read my posts about them needing to expand their sound,lol. But if all they did was repeat Parachutes again and again, we'd all be bored...especially them.)


What's intresting to me is all the new fans that will probably come along due to LP4 and will think it's their best album ever...maybe they won't even like the old stuff. But that's how it goes. 20 years from now, a whole crop of new fans will come along saying 'Their 17th album is THE BEST!', and we'll all be remembering the 'good old days'!:D (There are new U2 fans out there now that don't even remember War or October,lol.)

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20 years from now, a whole crop of new fans will come along saying 'Their 17th album is THE BEST!'


:stunned:, Oh god, 17 albums, 17 periods of time where we are all bickering becuase we cont be bothered waiting for the new album, *dies*



ok, so, each album comes out roughly every three years....


17x3= 51...:stunned: 51 years of Coldplay


I think I need to sit down.... :dead:

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LMAO! Those U2 fans back in the 80s didn't have the internet, so they had to suffer in silence between albums and not bicker with other fans. I wonder if the waiting between albums was easier for them or us...at least we have company in our misery!:lol: (I was a fan back then and I can't even answer my own question,lol.)

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now I'm actually forbidding myself from listening to CP until the release date is announced (and then I'm taking one night and running through all the Coldplay music I have), so now, I'm listening to a lot of Radiohead...


oh my GOD, emma! how are you DOING THAT??? i could never never ever make it without shrivelling up. and you could be without CP until like, next summer!!!


i also found coldplay through X&Y (though i was aware of their existence and even their talent beforehand), but i think it wasnt nearly as good as AROBTTH (which i listened to a few days after the release of X&Y) and parachutes (which i didnt listen to until august 5 2005!!)


ok, so, each album comes out roughly every three years....


17x3= 51...:stunned: 51 years of Coldplay


I think I need to sit down.... :dead:


hahahaha oh man, 51 years of coldplay! theyll be what, around 81 then? if theyre still making music then as they are now, then there will have had to be some sort of huge advancement in the life-span area of science :laugh1:

its a bit sad to think that they probably wont make as many as 17 albums unless they significantly change their recording habits.

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oh my GOD, emma! how are you DOING THAT??? i could never never ever make it without shrivelling up. and you could be without CP until like, next summer!!!


i also found coldplay through X&Y (though i was aware of their existence and even their talent beforehand), but i think it wasnt nearly as good as AROBTTH (which i listened to a few days after the release of X&Y) and parachutes (which i didnt listen to until august 5 2005!!)


It's not that hard, I mean when your I-pod is full of Muse, Radiohead and other indie/rock bands, you have a lot of music to explore. But seriously, whne you know every song off by heart and you even know how to play along with the drums in every song, you get a tad bored...(please don't kill me:stunned:)


Plus as the saying goes:

Suger is sweeter when you only have it once in a while (ok, I made that up:thinking:, but you still get the point), in other words, Coldplay will sound even more amazing if I don't listen to them as often because it will be like listening to them for the first time:D!




hahahaha oh man, 51 years of coldplay! theyll be what, around 81 then?


And Apple will be 54!:stunned:

Oh god and I will be 66!:stunned::stunned:

And it will be the year...um...2058!!:stunned::stunned::stunned:



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It's not that hard, I mean when your I-pod is full of Muse, Radiohead and other indie/rock bands, you have a lot of music to explore. But seriously, whne you know every song off by heart and you even know how to play along with the drums in every song, you get a tad bored...(please don't kill me:stunned:)


Plus as the saying goes:

Suger is sweeter when you only have it once in a while (ok, I made that up:thinking:, but you still get the point), in other words, Coldplay will sound even more amazing if I don't listen to them as often because it will be like listening to them for the first time:D!






And Apple will be 54!:stunned:

Oh god and I will be 66!:stunned::stunned:

And it will be the year...um...2058!!:stunned::stunned::stunned:




oh, dont worry, i would never kill you!!! i completely agree about how effing amazing theyll sound once you go the them again; im just saying i could personally never ever go that long.

like by accident, i hadnt listened to the song "crests of waves" in ages, and when it turned up on my ipod i was like "ohhhh my god, thats AMAZING." it sounded brand new.

i kind of wish i had the "strength" (:P) to do what youre doing so theyd be even more special to me when i returned to them. alas, i think id implode.

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I'm an the verge of imploding...but not for that reason....


Oh my god my life sucks :bigcry: ....









Anyhoo, my brother told me about Casltes last year but I only listened to it this year, it was like a whole new Coldplay album, but I can understand why the songs didn't go on the albums, they would n't have fit

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ok this may sound like a dumb question, but isnt castles just like a compilation CD of all their b-sides? and isnt it like, not even an official EMI release? didnt someone like us board members put it together?

i dont know, im a singles person so i was already obsessed with the b-sides by the time i first heard of castles, so i never really explored it. and i thought the name was kind of strange because the word "castles" never shows up in a coldplay lyric (OMG im probably being REALLY stupid and forgetting about a huge lyric that i know by heart...).

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  • 4 weeks later...
Castles is a fan-made collection of B-sides. Just like A Rush of B-Sides To Your Head and After After Before.


i have castles but i dont have a rush of bsides and after after before yet... the bsides in castles is quite good but there are some good songs that didnt included such as only superstition and murder..

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i have castles but i dont have a rush of bsides and after after before yet... the bsides in castles is quite good but there are some good songs that didnt included such as only superstition and murder..

You could check the multimedia section ;)

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