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Re: Heres a song about my mum.


This is the first showing of a song i never thought i would show to anyone. You people should be honourd. This is the most personal song i have ever written.



That was sad, and beautiful!

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Oh, and here's a poem that I made... I don't really like it.




I fiddle with my gun

as I sit in this Humvee

I'm oblivious of what's to come--

I start shaking nervously


I hear the noise of helicopters;

they shake the ground ahead

I think to myself, "will I survive?"

as I tighten the helmet over my head


I put my goggles on

I load my gun

but I can't stop thinking

about what is to come


what am I doing here?--

what am I working to defend?

when will this bloodshed stop?

and when does my enlistment end...?

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Re: Heres a song about my mum.


This is the first showing of a song i never thought i would show to anyone. You people should be honourd. This is the most personal song i have ever written.

:cry: wow, did that actually happen to you?


Its a song about my mum...


She died in 2004


No truer words will tou find

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My Prediction


I dont know what you guys will make of this. It is a song about terroism. I am sorry if it offends anyone from the east. Terroists are a miniscule minority in todays world. Its a song i wrote in response to what happened back in July


I used to say the world was going nuts

I used to say that things were getting bad

Well people just called me a drama queen

And told me i was really going mad

But what can they say in todays world?

When people blow themselves up all the time

What can they say in todays world?

When people like me saw the signs.


I knew something bad was gonna happen

Then 9/11 shoock the world

And suddenly everyone was shocked and saddened

Knowing they would soon have to rebuild

No one seems to hear what i said

They just pretend i dont exist

No one ever heard what i said

They just tick whos first on the list


Then eyes turned to the east

Bin Ladens home first and most of all

An angry enraged and charging beast

Who still couldn't bring about a fall

So terror will gorge on a feast

Continue to kick around the ball

And watch those left grieve the deceased

Who go to the heavens final call


Though terror feels so secure

Sure it's got the world in a bind

Like a doctor who's just found the cure

The world is about to unwind

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Here is a poem i wrote a while ago...I wrote it while I was listening to Coldplay-Gravity.....


Why is it me who is sitting here alone?

Why is it me who has to live on her own?

Nobody close by my side,

nobody there who gives me love and pride,

just sitting here and crying about that song,

wondering what did I do wrong?

Can't stop crying right now,

because my feelings won't allow.

The song is going to start again,

and no,no I won't complain.

I won't turn it off,

because it reminds me of things like love.

This song shows my real feelings....


I'm always joking and always happy,

but now my feelings are expressed deeply.

My soul is crying behind a locked door,

it still hasn't found what it was looking for.


Surely it will stop someday,

and then the sad feeling will be away.

But for now I just can listen to the song,

and think about where I belong!

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omg...all these poems are very beautiful!!!congrats guys!!!I made some poems myself, but I'm not able to post them in english...would be difficult to translate them and to find the right words in english...so I'm keeping them in portguese... :P

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squished on a surface

curse without a purpose


forget for a minute

naught, get it

the air's a blanket

new universe mind make it

on space expanded

atoms reprimanded


you can dissapear

it's what you want


material vanity

eternal gravity




you can dissapear

it's what you need


closed eyes

shut door

not the same


take off your clothes

turn on the fan

forget everything


lie in

a magic bed


all the dead



it's what you need


nothing is

as peace


was filling

time isn't

a waste

nothing holds you

in place




*edit* adding another one... I might as well.


Sitting There


yesterday, you saw an old friend

was it hope

an awkward feeling

that you will cope

with being alone

for another week

to press on


you are so meek


maybe someone will notice you today

and have something nice to say


maybe while

you sit there

someone will see

that they care

maybe if

you show your tears

maybe if

you share your fears

maybe while

you sit there

someone will see

that they care


all alone

in the lunch room

you are slowly

eating your food

moving things

you're thinking

maybe someone

sees your dying

and for twelve years

you sat there

hoping that

someone cared


something moves you everyday

God has a funny way

of making you stay

live through the day


once you're done

he'll say

this is your home now

go out and play

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So... I liked this girl a while back and found out she had a boyfriend... So she and I have always had fun, but lately I guess she's just too busy to be friends with me.



My Jealosy


So here I am, standing in your way

and you have nothing to say

except "excuse me" "I'm too busy for this"

"I have to go and take care of things

like bills and homework and diamond rings"

"excuse me sir, you're in the way

'the' being mine, the only way"

you're in 'the' world, your head speaks the verse

'the' being yours, your own universe

the billions are missing their view

as being a part of you


I wish I was with a girl

that noticed she shared the world

with even the smallest atom

is this too much to fathom?

that you are not God?

that you will one day rot?

that your life is not

the hub of this lot


or do you control the earth

that she revolves by your word

or do you have the hold

of gravity in your control?

or do you tell the flies

that in a week they will all die?


since when

did all this

depend on

your hapiness

since when

did it miss

when you lost


or did it


in the sun

may I bask?

may my


go out


may my


come down





or does it


when you



did it crash

when you were rash?


you wish it did

you wish it did


does my jealosy

matter to you

or do you have power

to shut me up too?


all I want

is a girl

that notices

the world

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I wrote that last night and I wrote this last night. Two totally different feelings, different poems and different persons. This is a poem, but I'm writing it like a normal paragraph.


Do you even know that you're my best friend? What would you think if you knew this? You folded upon me and now I fold upon you. You don't even know what it means to me that you folded upon me, with your eager and kind intentions. Even though you don't know me you can depend on my words. Even though you are not the prettiest, in my world you are a star. The other people's beauty is wounded by their fool choices. So I don't know what you'll think, but now you know that you're my best friend. You're my shining star.

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this is graphic, so just ignore it if you think you should.


It's not the answer


my soul is burned,

no, I'm not fine

should I live to die

or die tonight?

it could just be that I am unlucky

but life would see that death is for me

I would that my skinned corpse should hang like the cows

to hang on a meat hook inside a warehouse

the body would be there for a long time

but fly larvae will know what I taste like

and then after organs the meat will fall down

and splatter dust, meat and bones around

nobody wanted a deadened friend

they would see me see my end

well, final moment with an ignorant grin

watch my form bend with this last sin

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Ok, here is a little ditty I wrote and posted in the Multimedia forum in the Ode to Deodorant thread. As everyone knows it is one of Coldplays first songs. So if you have been keeping up with the thread you will know what this is about, and if not.. well here it is anyways.



by Corum


There once was an ode,

A song written by Chris.

It was limited release,

And didn't do piss.


Very few have this,

And I am not one.

But if I were to have it,

What good I'd have done!


I'd share with the world,

This song, oh this ode.

For that's how I live,

The bootlegger's code


Oh how I want you

My magical song,

Why you elude me

And why for so long?


Now not well does it bode,

For a song or an ode.

About something so fresh,

That feels cool on your flesh.


Oh Chris! Oh Chris!

Why couldn't you please?

Commercially release,

Instead of eternally tease


Why this song,

Why did you write this?

Why not about love,

Why not a first kiss?


It belongs in the bathroom

It goes under your arm

It shouldn't be a song

Though it works like a charm


How long must I wait?

How long must I fret?

How long will it continue,

This continual sweat


I just want to kick

And I just want to scream

I see you in life

And I see you in dream


Why can't you come to me?

Why can't you come near?

Why can't you come to me,

So that I might hear?


I want you, dear ode,

I need your sweet sounds.

I need your smooth notes,

For my limits know bounds.


I don't think I can take it,

My patience where's thin.

Whatever will I do,

If my patience can't win?


Will I go crazy?

Or will I go mad?

Will insanity follow,

If no song to be had?


Oh where are you song, oh where are you ode?

There are those who will tell me, and those who have told


It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, just wait!

How can I? How can I? I think it's just bait.




(Silence, take a few deep breaths...phewwww!!)


I know that it's coming

For it has been fortold

But how long will it take,

For my song,..... my ode.


(And finishes with Chris at the end of In My Place singing this instead of Oh yeah)


Hoooowww Looooooonnnngggggggggggg.................?


Cheers! :D

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Cool Corum.... :cool:


here is one I wrote two days ago....


Again this depressive feeling

Agaim this fly at the ceiling

Does the fly think the same like me

maybe it dreams about being a bee!


Again this melancholic time

Again this bee clueing in lime

Does the bee see my ugly shirt

Or is it dreaming about being a bird??


Again this sad mood in myself

Again this bird sitting in a shelf

Does the bird see something else in the sky

while it dreams about being a fly???

Does it have all those perceptions,

to dream about earning perfection?

No,no,no this bird is free

as free as I want to be!!!

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This is inspired by something I said a while back...




Each week passes

and the same things happen

some are born on rich soil

some will never escape toil

for some hapiness comes naturally

for some, one day of it will never be

for some joy arrives at the door

for some their feet never know a floor

some are lucky to be alive

some life is lucky it did not die

but the meek will inherit the earth

and rejoice in their lowly birth


let my art

inspire your heart

let your eyes

look to skies

the path is lain

so forget your pain




It's an Innocent Mistake


who is this

with long hair

look of a woman

so fair

i am not obsessed

but just for this

I promise

to a moment partake

in an innocent mistake

another life would I break

to one day make

an innocent mistake


to love

to hate


the trait

that caused you to make

an innocent mistake


murder, murder

but who said

it is only

inside their head


every fleeting pleasure

be your treasure

love without measure

be your treasure

the one you hold

is yours to mold

they're in your control

you own their soul

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