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please everyone be nice on me I worked really hard on these two poems and I would appreciate anyone leaving out the hard criticism for these because of how hard I worked on them. Thank you


for a girl


you rock

my white cotton socks

in a box




the sky is blue

and I love you

OOOOhhhhh...truly heartfelt!


The Post Of A Poet:


'How hard it is to truly show

The deepest parts of man.

But weep thee not, for we all know,

You did 'The Best You Can.'



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hoobieboobie shame on me for making a perverted title like it


my devilish beauty

you certainly innocently

unintentionally lost everything

while you were on top

imagined a rabbit hop

when you said OH

yes, I guess


looloo aliens


watch when E.T.

touches the human being

and a beam of

a certain love

courtney love rises above

it's not perversion

our onward excursion

a certain simplicity

in our deepened complicity

to beam curiosity into the mother ship




every man is a great judge

of melted chocolate fudge

but looking at ourself

we need a lot of help


in love with beelzebub


mm, hmm

no no No

the greatest temper and greatest attention

hand in hand walk into heavenly hell

the devil makes love with her all day

and through the evening he makes a spell

to catch her in hell

they argue and fight

they fuss and collide

"there's no hot blood in the shower!" she said

"and you told the toilet to eat me again"

until the end of the day he speaks

an infinitely wise devil retreats

to plot hate into heaven

living dead with what he's given

and she'll make love to him again

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  • 2 weeks later...

back on coldplaying.com...

Let's post one poem a day...it starts now!


This first new poem is about war in Israel...even if I don't really know what ppl feel there, I'm touched by all these ppl and children who died ...


it's called ENDLESS


I awake, sad, even if the sun shines

This morning, much of them are far away

Dead because of hatry, narrow-mindedness,

Dead because of two different ways of thinking, and I say

This is the real side of human being, once again

Are we all made of violence, of pain?


Bombs are raining on the cities

Fear invades the streets, gaining more and more space

Collapsed walls, collapsed pasts, and life bleeds.

Anyone knows it, human being shows its real face

I wonder helplessly, how come this silly war,

How much people will die and if it will scar.


Endless cycle, endless violence, endless fear,

Cities are drowning under the flooding tears

Under the fire and under misunderstanding.

We're all digging our own graves, but I hope

We gonna stop before running out of bleed

When, where did it start, when and where will it stop?


See you tomorrow for another poem!

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As I promised it... here you can read a new poem.


Called... Doubts


All I see and all I know

All what my eyes are able to show

To show everything to me

Can it be real

Can it be fake

Why can't I awake

A voice is guiding me

And a light is staring at me


It reveals my heart

It lights on what's real

Who is the real guard?

Truth is all what I need.


Who is my truth, where is it?

Why can't I reach it?

It's so hard to change my mind

I would really like to find

This thing which will release me

Too much things are going through my head

It drives me crazy that's what I said

I can't help my mind to bleed.


I'm scared about anything

My heart is sinking

In a deep dark sea

And I can only see

The last thought I have

My mind makes so much waves

He wants to live more

And row his boat off the shore


My fears are trapping me

And I'm lost in my own body

I'm scared to be free...

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As I promised it... here you can read a new poem.


Called... Doubts


All I see and all I know

All what my eyes are able to show

To show everything to me

Can it be real

Can it be fake

Why can't I awake

A voice is guiding me

And a light is staring at me


It reveals my heart

It lights on what's real

Who is the real guard?

Truth is all what I need.


Who is my truth, where is it?

Why can't I reach it?

It's so hard to change my mind

I would really like to find

This thing which will release me

Too much things are going through my head

It drives me crazy that's what I said

I can't help my mind to bleed.


I'm scared about anything

My heart is sinking

In a deep dark sea

And I can only see

The last thought I have

My mind makes so much waves

He wants to live more

And row his boat off the shore


My fears are trapping me

And I'm lost in my own body

I'm scared to be free...


I love it...*cry*

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As I promised it... here you can read a new poem.


Called... Doubts


All I see and all I know

All what my eyes are able to show

To show everything to me

Can it be real

Can it be fake

Why can't I awake

A voice is guiding me

And a light is staring at me


It reveals my heart

It lights on what's real

Who is the real guard?

Truth is all what I need.


Who is my truth, where is it?

Why can't I reach it?

It's so hard to change my mind

I would really like to find

This thing which will release me

Too much things are going through my head

It drives me crazy that's what I said

I can't help my mind to bleed.


I'm scared about anything

My heart is sinking

In a deep dark sea

And I can only see

The last thought I have

My mind makes so much waves

He wants to live more

And row his boat off the shore


My fears are trapping me

And I'm lost in my own body

I'm scared to be free...

nice, I like this. I didn't see your other post about posting a poem every day. Maybe I can do it with you too.

I wrote this today:


jibber jabber


blibbidy blabber

my jibber jabber

and randomly chatter with the earle of

"no, that's too personal" he said

while he spoke to me naked

you and I can make it

atop of mount avalanche

we'll dance and dance and dance

and melt snow with romance

he told me the first

I made up the worst



you rock like an avalanche of boulders

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sit, wait, stare--

i need fresh air

all my words

are just full of despair


something glad--

something bad!?

nope. only things

that are boring and sad




i'm okay.

i'm just tired.






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nice, I like this. I didn't see your other post about posting a poem every day. Maybe I can do it with you too.

I wrote this today:


jibber jabber


blibbidy blabber

my jibber jabber

and randomly chatter with the earle of

"no, that's too personal" he said

while he spoke to me naked

you and I can make it

atop of mount avalanche

we'll dance and dance and dance

and melt snow with romance

he told me the first

I made up the worst



you rock like an avalanche of boulders


Yeah, ok!

new day...new poem...


this one is called ECHOES


I was dying under the black sun

My whole body sweated for fear

These fears killed me like a gun

And their bullets were burning in me


The last thing I could feel

Was my skin, which shivered

And I bleeded, and I bleeded

But you fixed me, you did it.


Losing my hope, I hear the sound

The sound of my heart, so loud

It echoes in each part of me,

It talks, talks, to me, everytime.


My different sides are fighting for me

They hurt me, are killing my real "me"

This war is more and more destroying

And I can't stand such a thing


My sides are haunted by the fears,

The fear to be erase, to disappear

Not to be here again, not to see

See the daylight, see who I will be.


Losing my hope, I hear the sound

The sound of my heart, so loud

It echoes in each part of me,

It talks, talks, to me, everytime.


You are my light, you're the king

The king of my dreams

My desire dreams and I feel

So much things for you, Honey!

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I Feel Like Shit


facade pain

striving for but averting

Gas discharges


Reminscent of a shit

everything is lost


bad health

dreadful posture

accepting and disagreeing


reminiscent of a shit

everything is lost


giving up




reminiscent of shit

everything is lost




:laugh4: I felt so crap that day.

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a dog carries poop

he drops it in the kitchen

and eats some of it


LOL!!! Can someone set this to music for the Carity CD??? KIDDING!!!


Written by a 'Friend':


When I was a younger man I drank and amoked and swore.

I treated women badly and I ran around with whores.

Now that I'm an older man, and I've had time to think,

I'm so damned responsible I just swear and smoke and drink!!!


...well, at least he knows how to be nice to us girls now...lol!!!

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New day, new poem


Called Evolution


Lines I'm drawing on the paper

Thoughts are running, like haunted

Words are here, and I stare

Helplessly, at my empty head

Unable to say, unable to think

Again I'm drowning in this dark ink.


My world collapsed for years

Silently, I was releasing my tears

Now, all is over, I can see

All these things which happened to me

Regression, revolution, evolution,

A new sight and loads of questions.


Looking at my past, looking for my future

I'm scared about what I don't know for sure

I can't size how much I've waited

For being free, for the first time, I needed

To make my mind fly, discover what to share

With this other "me", of whom I care.


Feeling like new, wide-opened eyes on the world,

Believing in my thoughts, I swept away the cold,

The icy everyday life, I'm yearning

For something which could be so much more exciting

This thing, I'm gonna live it, I'm gonna enjoy it,

And I will take it, like a life gift.

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A new one!!!


Called Guide


I touch the surface of the water

It enters me makes me feel

Its life which is running in me

Its cold feeling gets on worth

My heart is freezing and I shiver

I'm so far from the shore

The shore of my mind, I'm in

The ocean of my thoughts, swimming

Against this so strong tides

I try to reach the other sides.


I opened my eyes and I can see

All my feelings, floating upon the sea

The stream carries them so far

Now, I'm involved in a violent war

You're my guide, my only guide

Cos I try to reach the sides.


My mind is the path of this fight

It's like a war between the day and the night

I thought I knew my mind like the back of my hand

And I wonder when it's gonna come to an end

But once again, the gate is closed

Each time I reached it, I'm imprisoned.

Chained by the time, chained by my memories

Like if I can't get through, I fall down on my knees

I beg for carry on, I beg the sun

Not to shoot me with a gun.


I opened my eyes and I can see

All these blood which is running out of me

It falls on the ground, the land is glowing

Like if it was burning each thing

You're my guide, my only guide

Cos I try to reach the sides


I can see the end of the road

Does it mean I've reached my goal?

I can see the beginning of a new lane

And I'm taking it without being ashamed.

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And hop! A new one!


Called Life' call


My mind is leaving me, it starts to fly

Lift up by my eyes and I'm still alive

Life runs in me, I want to go on

To have a trip around the sun.


Riding a comet, crossing the starlight

I float in the space, out of control

The speed raises up through the night

And I escape my cold world.


I can hear a loud sound

Life is calling me and all around,

The wind blows my name, I can't help it

Why should I fight against it?


Doubts are a part of me

Now, unknown things are a road

Where I will meet my life but I can't see

Which way to turn, to go.


I hear this call, its call,

Life will show me where to go...

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new day, new poem...


Called Meeting the moon


Touching slightly my heart' strings

Those waves are coming from far away

It shivers as butterfly' wings

All I can tell, all I can say


I'm still waiting for it

It will be so intense, it will be so strong

I'm a bit afraid of it

I hope I don't get it wrong.


I wait for the sun meeting the moon

I guess it will come soon

The day will turn into night

I'm gonna be kept by this sight.


I'm losing all I know

Lift by the wind, I'm gonna feel

Life which is coming, now

Lighted by the moon, I'm gonna be free.


Thoughtless head, speechless mind

I feel this night inside of me

And the rising sun is already shining

It was a wonderful night I'm leaving...

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the title says it all. I wanted to write something random


WARNING: this poem makes no sense


the prisoners escaped and air missiles blew up the schools

please fire the president of the union of seperacy in a meeting with the universe manager

an earthquake came up in the debate over the hairy men who ran away

but in the end it's ok because daddy fell in love with an oak bannister

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^yeah, no sense, but the poems which make no sense are very often the best!!!


This one is called Lovely Feeling


In those quiet streets

Where the night and the day meet

A slight cold wind blows

I shut my mind down

I let my feelings invade me

And my skin shivers helplessly


Slowly, I close my eyes

My heart starts to race

Something travels in my veins

It set me free from my chains

I'm taking a deep breath

To stay away from death


I've never felt it so strong

It echoes like a song

That's great, that's Love

Nothing couldn't be more soft


I'm in love with life

That's why I feel alive

I'm in love with love

It drives me above

The road of my mind

Or to someone I'll find

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this is a new one, wriiten when i woke up to go to work...


Called Abyss of Nightmare


I chose a dead end

And I'm gonna be beaten

By this steel-maden dog


I tried to escape it

Shouting helplessly at it

Walls were coming closer

I could see the ground shiver

And the dog got angrier

Jump on me, his steel mouth opened

My arm was bleeding, I saw

Its teeth were freezing me and I'm scared

Cos its breath made the floor so cold


My vision started to blur

I can't feel anything anymore

I'm falling in a deep abyss

The deep abyss of my nightmares

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I'll be happy, I have to!


I don't know many things,

But I'm sure

That happiness is what we all seek.

That someday our dreams will come true.



I'm on my own.

I should be...


But, something's wrong...

There's a song

Playing inside me.

I'm trying.

And everybody's trying.

To change me,

My soul, my heart, my body.


And everybody's trying.

To control me,

My feelings, my doings, my dreams.



This is me!

This is my story!


I'm sad, I don't know.

Smiling, I don't know.

Feeling, I don't know.

Why is this happening?


...I'll be happy, I have to!


I hate you.

I hate you for doing this.

I hate!

I will not stand it.

I will not be sad.


I don't know many things,

And I'm not sure.

...my tears will disappear...

...my dreams...someday...


I'll be happy, I have to!

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